
Comfort Food

How about a "Best Of" Food Recap from 2012?  
I have said it before, but it is worth repeating. I cook all the time.
I have lots of children that still like to come home to eat.
I cook ....and rarely do I think about taking pictures of my food for the blog.
When I do think of it, the food is not "arranged" or "plated". 
I am just lucky to get a couple of pictures before it is devoured.
Keep this in mind when viewing the pics.
Just know...the food is good.
I have included the link back to each recipe.
Let me know when you try the recipes.
I love to hear what you think! 

SPASAGNA....one of my readers very favorite. So easy. SO good.

CHICKEN AND RICE...(and every thing nice. Creamy. Hmmm. Comfort food for sure)!

BEEFY ENCHILADA'S...My sons eat these faster than I can cook them..

CHICKEN ENCHILADAS...The delicious cousins to the beefy enchiladas....MMMMM.


MINI PUMPKIN CHEESECAKES...Another reader favorite. These were also featured on three other blogs. The funny thing is....I don't like pumpkin anything! ha! What do I know???

TURKEY COOKIES....SO much fun to make each year!

PINEAPPLE CREAM PIE....I always make two.  One is never enough. It. is. that. good!

 PINEAPPLE UPSIDE DOWN INDIVIDUAL CAKES!! Yes, I love pineapple. These are cute and fun. 

 BIRTHDAY TREATS.....Two big cookies sandwiched with icing and then roll the edges in sprinkles... These are a quick treat that looks like you spent a lot longer on them. They are a step above cookies, and they are great for all ages!  There is really no recipe except Cookies+Icing+Sprinkles= Happy Birthday Treats!!

 MEATBALLS...SO easy. SO good. SO fun to watch them disappear!

 MINI PIES and RED WHITE AND BLUE CUPCAKES...Both from the same link. Picnics never tasted so good!!

SMOTHERED STEAK...The ultimate comfort food and SO easy. I had a reader (and friend) write me and say that she uses "Golden Mushroom" soup on this and it is equally as delicious. I know I use Golden on all my roasts. Now I need to try it on Smothered Steak. You will love this. Assured!

 And...there is no recipe for this on my blog...but today we always eat black-eyed peas with ham....There is probably more ham than black-eyed peas...but it is good. ........And of course, the source of all good luck each year! Right???
I did have other recipes last year as well..
and of course lots of other recipes throughout the years. Look under "food" in my labels.
As always...be expecting more food this year too! 
Linking to:


  1. The Apple Butterscotch Bars with Carmel were a big hit. I made them for Geoff's Uncle Bob to take to work on his birthday, then again for a family brunch. Delicious! We've had several opportunities to sample the Turkey cookies via Annie. They're so cute, and yummy!

  2. Oh my gosh. That is all. Just oh my gosh. I am now going to droll over... I mean... look around at all these recipes making plans.


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