"I do not claim that I can tell a story as it ought to be told. I only claim to know how a story ought to be told." -Mark Twain


One Potato, Two Potato...Are you sure???????

I have this little attitude problem. I think that once the clock strikes midnight on Valentine's Day, that the 15th of February should dawn SPRING.  I am through with winter. I don't want any more snow or cold or winter decoration or winter clothes. The problem is, Mother Nature has a worse attitude than me!!!!!  Soooooooo, to combat both my attitude problem and Mother Nature's surly (at times) attitude, I have to create my own SPRING.  In this case, it is with Irish Potato Candy. .....made to look like potatoes.

After all, St. Patty's Day is our next holiday. Plus, by then we are all calling it springtime. So try out these nifty little candy 'potatoes'.  They are super fast. Very cute. Deliciously yummy. Fast, cute, yummy...what a trilogy!
Irish Potato Candy

1/4 cup butter, softened
1/2 (8 ounce) package cream cheese
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
 4 cups confectioners' sugar
 2 1/2 cups flaked coconut
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon


In a medium bowl, beat the butter and cream cheese together until smooth. Add the vanilla and confectioners' sugar; beat until smooth. Using your hands if necessary, mix in the coconut. Roll into balls or potato shapes, and roll in the cinnamon. Place onto a cookie sheet and chill to set. If desired, roll potatoes in cinnamon again for darker color.

That is totally it.  Now there are actually recipes for the candy that do include one potato. Scour the internet and you will find those as well.
These will do just fine for me.
I am joining in with Foody Friday , The Tablescaper, Sweet Tooth Friday so the rest of you can enjoy SPRINGTIME (at least in my little world)!!
In the meantime, enjoy my pictures from St. Patty's Day 2010.
I've got to get busy thinking!


  1. Anonymous2/17/2011

    Oh, my. I think I like your recipe best.
    And the cake and cupcakes from last year....to die for! What a hit they must have been!

  2. Love Irish Potatoes and always make them! Your rainbow cakes look amazing, I haven't tried that yet:@)

  3. Anonymous2/17/2011

    I am with you all the way...if our mental could get the Spring season here faster, I think we would be in good company. The Irish potato recipe looks great!

  4. Love those! Remember that cake from last year. I did a St Pat's table this week. :) I hope you will join my 3rd Annual St. Pat's Day Blog Crawl on Mar 15th. I'd love to have you!

  5. What a fun recipe! And that cake is amazing!!!
    Blessings, Beth

  6. Oh, these are cute - and your cake is beautiful too! I agree with you about Spring as well :)

  7. I'm with you! Once Valentine's Day is over I am ready to start planting seeds. Your Irish Potato Candy looks great. I haven't made it in years. I may try it this year. Thanks for the reminder.

  8. Your cake from last year is something else -- love it! Do you think the candy would be good rolled in cocoa powder? We really didn't have cold weather, but I am ready for spring too. Joni

  9. I have wanted to make these St Pattie's Day treats and I think I would like to try your recipe.

    I noticed the adorable schnauzers on your side bar... I have a warm spot in my heart for them. My guy is on my side bar too :)

    Kindly, Lorraine

  10. Oh, that candy sounds wonderful. I feel the same way about Spring, it should be here NOW! Also, love that cake and cupcake!

    I'm hosting a weekly link up for sweet-inspired recipes. I hope you stop by and link up. http://alli-n-son.com/2011/02/17/chocolate-chip-toffee-bars/

  11. Anonymous2/18/2011

    Thanks for sharing! I am with you and I love St. Patty's day!

  12. Thanks for the recipe! I am known in my family as the one who can't cook so I think I'll surprise everyone and make these....I'm sure they'll ask where I bought them :)
    I'm with you and wanting spring!! I see you live in Oklahoma and I know you've had a rough winter this year (I live in Kansas City). It was 74 degrees here yesterday and everyone had spring fever!!
    Have a great weekend.

  13. Love these! One of my good friends always does brunch on Parade Day. Her husband and oldest son play bagpipes in the parade, and her daughter dances in it. Now I know what I'll be bringing over this year. Thanks for sharing.

  14. This looks delicious! I will have to try the candy, the kids would love it! Thanks for visiting and your kind comment!

  15. Oh my gosh, I LOVE Irish potatoes!! My grandma used to get them for me when I was a kid, and you can never find them anymore. (At least, around here I can't find them.) It never occurred to me to look for a recipe. I will definitely be making those!! Thanks!! :) ~Stephanie from Buttermilk Hill


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