
Springtime Fruits of the Spirit

When I think of the Fruits of the Spirit I always think of spring.
And good things.

 And friends that walk the walk and are true examples of Fruits of the Spirit. 

 My little chalkboard-makin-student asks me repeatedly if I have "something for her to draw". So this time I gave her the Fruits of the Spirit.  She gave me back Wonderful!

 The ceilings in my house are very tall. They lend themselves perfectly for big pictures/boards/ideas on the upper part of a wall. 

 So that is where my Fruits of the Spirit has gone to live for the time being. 

 In my mind the perfect crown for a hutch decorated for spring. How better to celebrate spring than seeing a daily reminder of the fruits of a gentle, loving character? 

 It's easy to live a few of the "fruits" but harder to live all of them. It is even more hard to live them on a daily basis, not just when things are going well. That's why I love this simple but  full-of-goodness chalkboard. It speaks to me each day as I walk past. The Fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. 

As you can see, I continue to change the hutch. I added lavender to it this week. Not only is the color beautiful, but the smell is divine as well. I might have changed the hutch around, but the Fruits of the Spirit remain the crown! 
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  1. How completely lovely -- Thanks for sharing at Met Monday!

  2. Anonymous3/20/2013

    "Against such things there is no law."
    That's beautiful, Lori. Your student has been gifted with a beautiful talent from God. She might put herself through college selling her blackboard art.
    Let us know if she goes into business.

  3. This is lovely. I am visiting you via No Minimalist Here. I would love for you to stop by My Dream Canvas. I am hosting a Giveaway for my blog's birthday. Please join in if you like it :)

  4. You have a very gifted and artistic daughter! What an awesome reminder of each of the Fruits of the Spirit! It is a daily challenge to live out all of them! With the Holy Spirits leading, we can do all things!!!
    Blessings, Ann


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