
Birds of a Feather

 As I have stated before, my brain works in such a way that when March 1st hits, it is Officially Spring. Nevermind the fact that outside may be cold-enough-for-a-coat-kind-of-weather. Or even (heaven forbid) some snow, but come March 1st it is springtime inside the house. And in my brain!

 I think it is from all those years of living in northernmost Kansas and the brutal (in my eyes) winters we would have. 
 I longed for blue skies (as opposed to gray), green leaves (as opposed to dormant bareness) and the sound of birds singing. 
 Each winter, come February, I feel that same need. I need blue, green and birds. 
 So if an impatient girl can't find them outside, then inside she must! 
 So I pulled from my dish closet things that would transform my hutch-top to a simple springtime. 
 Nothing fancy, just simple plates and bird things. 
 I am sure that it is of no coincidence that my grandmother's birthday would fall on March 1st as well and she was a huge bird lover. She decorated with birds long before it was vogue to do so. 
 So I thought of my Grammie as I decorated the hutch. I thought of the hutch (top) that I had dragged around for over 30 years (and four or five colors). 
 That made me think how quickly and easily things could be transformed and updated with a little paint. Which then made me think about the fact a person can really update on a budget. Which took my train of thought to what bargains every single thing on the hutch actually was when I bought them. Or better yet, got them for free. 
 Which then made me think about the many different ways I have purposed and repurposed those cute little urns. And how I love that white plates can go with everything. Even if you have to stick a nest on top of a stack of white salad plates so that one doesn't see the embossed snowflake. 
 Which then made me think of how much I love warm weather and was glad that it was SPRINGTIME, because it was officially March 1st, therefore SPRINGTIME in my world. Which made me think of how March 1st was also my grandmother's birthday and how much she loved bird decor too......
Which made me think, "Isn't that what decorating is all about? Simple solutions that make you smile and bring all sorts of memories flooding into a (springtime) brain. Bring on spring!!"
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