
Spring Into Green!

On this first day of spring,
I thought it only appropriate
to share 
the green-ing of my house. 

 I guess it is only natural that some of the green would be attributed to St. Pat's Day. 

 But the rest of the green is purely the soul's desire to "spring" things up after a hard winter. 

 It was not the winter weather that was hard this year, but unexpected losses of a dear dear friend and a dear dear cousin.

 Not only were those two surprise losses hard to take, but my mother-in-law is suffering from one of the diseases that takes your mind before your body....and is so hard to watch transpire. 

 It is when I was standing at one of the doorways and I could see through three or four rooms that my eye caught sight of all the green. How refreshing! 

 All that green made me think of spring and the rebirth that spring also heralds. That was just what my soul needed. 

 The green was not consciously put out like I often do with colors. I must have just felt it deep down and without thinking sprinkled it throughout the house. 

 I took down the little bit of St. Patrick's things I had out and replaced them with Easter..and spring. 

 Rebirth. Renewal. Hope. All spring eternal with Spring. 

Welcome Home Spring! 


  1. It is nice when spring comes, I think when you can open windows, open drapes let the light in with some color, everything seems to brighten even our mood..the green is lovely and cheery, I know exactly what you mean when to many sad things happen in a row, it's like will it ever end and I know it does...loved seeing all the green and your lovely home...

  2. Anonymous3/21/2013

    I'm so sorry to hear that about Kerma. She's one of those people I've always enjoyed knowing. She'll certainly be in my prayers.

  3. It's all beautiful, but mainly I am just sending you a hug. We have had those sorts of winters around here :(
    Blessings to you...HE is risen...just as He said!!

  4. It's all beautiful, but mainly I am just sending you a hug. We have had those sorts of winters around here :(
    Blessings to you...HE is risen...just as He said!!


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