
Florist Fun!

My sister always has fresh flowers at her house.
Not the little $5 bouquets like I sprinkle 
throughout my house, but the 
real deal. 

 They are always beautiful and cutting edge. ("Cutting"...get it?)
She has a wonderful florist that arranges things just for her.

 My sister has two young children, so there is always something with some whimsy. Such as this cute rabbit. Yes, he is really all flowers.....except for (ironically!!) the little bouquet he is holding! How cute is he? I just loved him. 

I have noticed that her florist always puts in some kind of unexpected greenery in all the bouquets, no matter what time of year it is. This time it is cabbage leaves. How appropriate. 

Don't you just love how the colors of the various bouquets all tie together, yet are different? Swoon. Swoon.
I knew you would enjoy these! 
Linking with:
Metamorphosis Monday
Wow Us Wednesday

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