
Friday Night Date With the Diva

I love Friday nights. I love them to the tips of my toes. I love them as much as I love sunshine.
I love ballgame Friday nights...
and non-ballgame Friday nights.
I love Friday nights when I can just be lazy.

And lazy is just what I am on this Friday night.
I have absolutely nothing to write about.
So I will just show you pictures....
and continue my lazy ways!

Remember this little Dumpster Diva?
Well here she is in her winter-wear.

I used my turquoise plates again.
They were just sitting there...
and I like winter-white and turquoise together.

Love the galvanized snowflakes that are
left-over from my cold Kansas winters decor.

Don't let Diva's winter-wear fool you.
We are still sporting 50's, 60's and low 70's here.
Even this warm-weather-lover knows 
we need some kind of
I would prefer the non-snow kind,
but at this point we will take 
whatever we can get.
And in the meantime
Miss Diva 
will continue thinking
she looks 
pretty cute!
Yes, those are some of my birthday presents in the background. Oh well!
I'll go to bed 
and refresh my energy levels
and be ready to go
again tomorrow morning!
Have a very good weekend yourself....

1 comment:

  1. I just found a little diva much like that in my mom's utility shed and hope to dress her up too. I love the way she looks right now with the snowy theme and blues.


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