
Let's Make A Deal!

Let me just say that there can't be 
too many things
more exciting
than welcoming
Baby Princess Lucas
into the world in the middle of March.
And have we ever been preparing!
The after-Christmas sales were 
wonderful......for first time grandparents,
first time aunts and first time uncles.
Between all of us, before we knew it,
we had accumulated quite a 
stash for the sweet baby.
Even though because of the sales,
I had not spent a tremendous amount,
I was beginning to feel a little bit guilty
at all the cute new outfits and other items
that would be waiting for Sweet Baby.
I kept that "guilty feeling" to myself.
I didn't want anyone misinterpreting it.
But THANK GOODNESS for children....
no matter HOW old they are.
One of my children came to me with the stack on the right
in the above picture.
Oh, this same child had added plenty to
Sweet Baby's pile, 
but the pile on the right was special too.
She decided to also buy
for a women's shelter 
she knew about through her work.
I told her I had begun to feel guilty
at the fact 
Sweet Baby Lucas is coming into a world
where love has no limits.
Her every move will be cooed over.
Her every milestone documented by many.
What a wonderful world for her!
Then reality hits home and we realize
it is not even close to that for so many children.
So my giving child bought a whole 
sack full of goodies
for a child
that will not
know the same love.
I know I have shared on here before
about how 
my children are.
(And they truly are!)
They would bring home
every stray animal,
every down and out person,
every sad child,
if there were any way possible.
They show their kindnesses
over and over
to people.
Sometimes it is done 
with the recipient knowing,
other times it is done anonymously.
All times
it is done out of love.
So we made a little deal
in our family.
Each time we buy something for
Sweet Baby Lucas,
we must also come home with something
for some other 
sweet baby
that will never know us.
have made it our mission.
have made it a ministry.
have already begun.
Anyone else want to get on board?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1/21/2012

    What a wonderful idea I need to do also. My first grandson will arive in 2-3 weeks. We have a room-ful for him as well. Time to share with another child as you have done. Your children are a testament to your excellent parenting!!


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