
Seeing Double

There are MANY great reasons to have five children. Among those reasons would be when Mama has a birthday.
(That Mama would be me!)
Not only that, it seems like they made sure to get 
me double---or more--
of each present.
A set of giant plaid pillows
bought (proudly) on clearance at Target.
We have a plaid bedroom upstairs
where they can stay out all year.
Right now they look cute on
my sofa in the computer room.

Then not one, but two
complete seasons of 
Modern Family.
I do not watch much TV other 
than Food Network and college football,
but I never, ever, ever,
miss an episode of 
Modern Family.
I have already watched on complete DVD
and plan on watching them over and over.

Another pillow twosome.
This one the oh-so-popular
script pillows.
Love them!
They have already been in
a couple of different rooms!

I was also 
sweetly given
two new CD's.
Adele and Toby Keith.
What a twosome!
Both are great CD's.
I put them on and listened 
as I cleaned the house last weekend.

And finally,

another set of Christmas plates.
(Giant eye roll from the Hubby)
But, as was pointed out to me....
I did NOT have any 
Christmas plates.
Ah ha!!
Not only that(!!) but,
I got EIGHT of them.
Dinner size.
And (again proudly) they were only $3 
a piece....
down from the regular
price of
$16.oo a piece!
They are Food Network plates too.
What a super great deal.
Those are just a few of the reasons
I had such a
great birthday
with my family!

1 comment:

  1. I remember seeing those plaid pillows every time I was at Target during the Christmas season and thought they were so cute. I never watched Modern Family until my daughter got me started on it. Did you see last night's episode?? It was hysterically funny! Oh and hello....love Adele as you know since she is playing on my blog alot!

    I'm so glad you had a great birthday because you deserve it.



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