
A Patriotic Pause

I grabbed some of my
red, white and blue dishes....
and accessories
and carried them to the back deck.
I thought I would use what I had to
come up with some new
and cute
July place-settings.
The 4th of July is too hectic...
and meant to be
outdoors and
These are for the two weeks (or so)
leading up to the
Eating out on the deck is always a good thing.

I have a HUGE metal basket full of metal letters I have collected for years. Luckily, I was gathering them up long before they became popular. I truly do use them all the time. Hubby has gotten use to them....kind of!
This one was done as a tribute to my Hubby. He is a huge baseball fan, and what, after all is more American than crackerjacks and baseball? With a little taffy thrown in!
Just another little encouragment to use what you have around the house.  Walk around and look at your things and think of them in other ways. You'll be glad you did!

Apparently even Mother Nature
was feeling a little
See the things you'll
if you don't head outside?


  1. I thought of you yesterday as I was floating in my friend's pool. One of my goals this summer is to have a tan and between a week at the beach and riding my bike and floating in friends pools, oh and lets not forget mowing the lawn, by golly I'm getting one. (Obviously I quit my job, more about that later). I asked my husband last night how far Oklahoma was???? I want to come and visit you sometime. We could have so much fun together.


  2. This is just wonderful. I love the patriotic colors and the way it all came together. The Cracker Jack box was the perfect touch!

  3. LOVE the metal letters you've collected! They are truly fantastic! And the tribute to your DH is adorable! Your table looks great xo

    :D Lynda

  4. Everything is so cute and I love the metal letters.

  5. Where did you get those napkins with the patriotic writing! I love, love, love them! Your entire table is wonderful, but I'd never seen those napkins before! What an awesome table!

  6. I love the metal letters...are they cake pans to bake a cake for the 4th?! Great tribute to your DH is truly great! The napkins are making me drool, with the patriotic writing! Well, I want them!! Thanks for all the inspiration and for sharing it. I'm also at TT at, BNOTP. Lots of hugs, FABBY

  7. Anonymous6/24/2011

    Oh I do love your enamel plates. . . well truthfully I love ANYTHING enamel. I did a tablescape with my enamelware here. Have a happy 4th!!!



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