
Brassy is a Good Thing..(..Unless You're Talking about My Hair!)

 My mom said she had just the table
to go in my little furniture arrangement
in the living room.
It had been my Great-Aunt Leora's (sister of Leeta Mae from the previous post),
who had left it to my Grandmother Frances
when she died.
When my grandmother died, my mom got the table.
It was in her garage attic until a few days ago.
 The first picture was after I actually cleaned it up...
with rags (a little) water and elbow grease.
Then I went to the store and got the Brasso.
 I took the top of the table out
on my backporch this morning.
It was only about 90 degrees by 9ish...
the day had not even heated up yet.
As you can see, there is a bad spot right in the
middle of the table.
Leora always kept a vase of flowers
on her tables.
I presume it is water damage.
Is there any way to fix that?
 This was after I had barely put
the elbow
into the elbow grease!
With all the intricate carvings,
I had to really work on this table!
 My Great-Aunt Leora got this table
in Egypt.
You can see the Egyptian characters
carved into the entire table.
This was when I had just started
rubbing this area.
 This was after I had really
worked on the same area.
Isn't it beginning to look great?
It has so many different scenes.
It is just the funky piece I need to keep the room
not quite formal,
but fun!
 It now gleams in the light-filled room....
So much so that after I showed my mom,
she thought of the perfect place
had for it in HER house!
But alas, Cleopatra
and all her friends
are going to stay
right smack dab
in the middle of my living room.
Brassy is a good thing.....unless you're talking about my hair!
I am linking this to Metamorphosis Monday with Susan!


  1. Now that is very very cool! Make sure it stays in your house....LOL!

  2. It is an absolute treasure, and I love the way it looks all shined up. The elbow grease was well worth it.

  3. What a unique piece! It looks great all shined up!

  4. Your brass table looks fabulous! I LOVE brass. Nice job. Susan

  5. Love the hieroglyphics.

  6. Glad you brought Cleopatra out of the tomb! She's looking better than ever.


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