
Saving the World.....One Globe at a Time!

On the last day of school
a teacher friend came to my room
and told me there were two globes
in the "pit". ....
Which is where items go to be saved....
before they are thrown away.
I sent my fleetest-footest (new term!) student
to the pit
with the instructions to
come back with BOTH globes...
before someone else saw
the awesomeness in them
and absconded them away!
No kidding, aren't these just wonderful?
Both of them still read
Union of Soviet Socialist Republic!
Of course that is not the only country
with a new name!
And, by the way, if you look at the
first picture carefully,
you will see how
this globe lights up.
Be. Still. My. Heart!
Then still reveling in all my globe-gloating-glory,
I walked by the library.
The librarian had spent the last several
weeks of school packing up the library,
as we are beginning next school year with a
new library.
I noticed that there was
a lonely globe sitting by itself
on the empty shelves.
I went in and asked her about the globe
and she said I was welcome to it,
as it was not making the trip
to the new library.
Oh. My. Global Goodness.
Three new superterrificwonderfulcoolandgroovylicious globes
While the first one
lights up,
the second one is a
Land and Sea globe.
If you look carefully,
you can see the
topography of the land.
Oh my the goodness!

Then there is Mr. Number 3.
Oh my word, he is a big boy.
I sat him by a 32 inch TV
so you could see his
And if that were not enough to
endear his largeness
to my heart....
look at this.
He sits on a galvanized base.
....with numbers and letters!
He comes off and can be
so easily.
And look how pretty his face is.
He has all American cities...
and worldly cities....
with a red dot.
He is SO cool!
So not only did I celebrate
because it was the last day of school..
I walked out a very happy camper
with three
but beautiful
They all three sit proudly now
in my new office at home...
while I continue to
save the world
...one ...(or three) globe(s) at a time!

I am linking this with Thrifted Treasures and Wow Us Wednesdays...check out all the great finds!


  1. OMGosh.....love these. Now I'm nervous that I'm going to need me some globes. Eeek.

  2. Good find! People will some day regret tossing these historical beauties!

  3. wonderful story...thanks for being a globe lover

  4. Happy Earth Day to you, I work at a school, too. So glad they don't know what a real treasure these are! I love the last one best, because of the base.

  5. Those globes are amazing! Lucky you!

  6. These are all three very unique and to find these nearly all at the same time! Yay! A wonderful item to collect assorted world globes!

    Art by Karena

    Come and join a very Fashionable Giveaway from the Shabby Apple!!


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