
Summer Suppers at Sunset

Just because I'm back at work work and school is in full-swing, it doesn't mean I am abandoning summer.  Oh no, not me!  I hold on to summer till the last mosquito leaves!

 What better way to enjoy the end of summer than supper on the deck?  By the time we get home, get supper going, wind down (and Hubby gets in a quick golf game), the fierce sunshine is gone, a (very small!!) breeze has kicked up, and it is perfect for dinner on the deck.

Red, white and blue is always in at my house. I have more red, white and blue dishes than any three  ten people should have.  

This group of dishes is a hodge-podge, but put together, it is classic.  The red chargers were from Dollar General at Christmas time.  The blue plates one of my daughters bought at an estate sale.  The blue flowered plates I picked up at an antique store the first week we moved to this town, and the small red ramekins I bought at our former town.

The glasses are from Target looooooong ago. Everything else was found in the house....in a closet, drawer, or basket somewhere.

The cloth napkins I bought over 30 years ago. I love the men's dress shirt look with the delicate pattern of the flowers. I was not even setting this table for Tablescape Thursday, but when I didn't have a table to show this week, I uploaded these and decided to use them. Simple. Summertime. Sunsets with the one you love.
I have linked with Susan. Go by and enjoy other wonderful, imaginative and planned out (!!!) tablescapes!


  1. I love the red, white, and blue. Like you I have my share of those colors too! Good for you and extend the summer. Love the blue floral plates. Joni

  2. Oh wow, how pretty, I have those same blue flower bowls and use them with my red dishes too.......great minds.....hugs, cleo

  3. I love it! And I agree, it's always great to see red, white and blue!

  4. Love the red, white and blue. I fight the end of summer because I love eating on the deck.


  5. Great combination! We eat on the deck about 8 months of the year ... I love to be outside, too! Love the blue flower plates ... they say summer! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Great summer colors and I'm so glad someone else has table linens as long as I do.

    Some news: We're staring a Giveaway Friday! link-up party tomorrow, 8/27 plus we are giving away a custom backsplash! Please join us to link your giveaway or browse. Jane F.

  7. The graphic stripe, the small print in the floral plate, the punch of red...highly effectively design choices. Thank you for sharing your charming tablescape. Cherry Kay

  8. Beautiful table...love those salad plates.

  9. What a great red, white & blue scape. The addition of the floral plate makes the setting so special, and the striped napkins are a great touch. That stemware is sooo pretty. laurie


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