
Going Bananas in the Kitchen

Every Sunday we like to make (and eat) pancakes and other breakfasts goodies as a family. I have talked about how the majority of the time my husband makes the big Sunday breakfasts.  We eat either before church or after church, depending on whether we go to early or late church services.

This time Luke, (child number 5) took over the grill.  He likes to think he is Bobby Flay (or as Luke calls him, Bobby Souffle') and the Deen brothers rolled into one. He is all about using his (wild) imagination with food.  His pancake breakfast is a great example.
He created a banana flavored pancake batter (much like banana bread). He added a handful of chocolate chips to the batter as well.

Once the pancakes were cooked he topped them with slices of fresh banana, regular syrup and a little drizzle of chocolate syrup!! Then to top it all off, he put a big dollup of whipped cream on top.

  I took these pics right before the banana/chocolate/banana/chocolate pancakes disappeared!!

I did not get Luke's recipe as he 'created'.  If he makes them again I will jot the recipe down. It is a great lesson for the rest of us though about getting stuck in recipe ruts!!  Go forth and create!  I have linked this with Foodie Friday.  I guarantee they have recipes to please over there.

Edited**********************I added a Banana Pancake Recipe from the Internet.


1 cup all-purpose flour
 1 tablespoon white sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 egg, beaten
1 cup milk
2 tablespoons vegetable oil 2 ripe bananas, mashed

Combine flour, white sugar, baking powder and salt. In a separate bowl, mix together egg, milk, vegetable oil and bananas.

Stir flour mixture into banana mixture; batter will be slightly lumpy.

Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium high heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup for each pancake. Cook until pancakes are golden brown on both sides; serve hot.


  1. Anonymous8/25/2010

    Not trying to sound like a cougar here, but Luke can come over and cook for me any time!Okay, that did sound cougar-ish, but those pancakes look delicious.
    Too back you didn't get a few shots of Luke Souffle Deen creating his magic.
    I give up. Think I'll just sign myself anonymous.

  2. Bobby Souffle....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You made my day!


  3. Yum, Sundays morning breakfasts must be fun at your house.

    Banana pancakes with chocolate syrup and whipped cream sounds like dessert.

  4. Anonymous8/27/2010

    Those pancakes sound great! I love bananas!

  5. mmmmmmmmmm....yummy looking pancakes and great pics too!
    Bobby Souffle...that IS hilarious!


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