
A Checkered Past

I saw this Chinese checkerboard sitting on a pile of garage sale items at a house, as my husband and I drove by in our car.
My husband refused to stop. (He had a golf game he had to get to and that is priority one!)  I immediately thought of Miss Mustard Seed and I wanted that checkerboard.
The only problem was that by the time I dropped my Hubby off at the golf course, I would be about 10 miles and 25 minutes away.
Regardless, I went back for it.  I got it for $1. Actually there was not even a price on it (or anything). I offered the dollar. Hmmmm, am I showing my rookieness?

 So I washed it down and then spray painted it a cream color. Then I began to paint each 'point' red.

It went very quickly. I did not tape it off, I did it all free-handed.  Yes, there are many imperfections!

I used q-tips to get the paint down into the holes.

I got all the points and the frame trim painted.

After I (impatiently) let it dry thoroughly, I began sanding. I used a little block hand-sander.

I sanded several areas down to the natural wood for affect.
After the sanding it didn't have that freshly-painted-and-new-look!

I then wiped on some mahogany stain and wiped it off with a different rag. It was beginning to look more like Miss Mustard Seed's!!
Then I put a hook on the back and hung it. 

I pulled up Miss Mustard Seed's version on my computer and sat the computer beside my version.

What do you think? 
I loved the checkerboard (with the checkered past) when I saw it on Miss Mustard Seed's blog in May. I am SO glad I drove out of my way to go back and get my $1 board.

Because I already had everything else, the entire project cost me $1. I am happy now with my (Chinese) checkered past (board)!

I am linking this to Metamorphosis Monday and to Thrifty Treasures Treasures.  Check out the links on both these ladies great blogs.


  1. What we won't do to get something we love...sounds like my husband...why would we stop for a piece of garbage? Your transformation is wonderful and I am glad you are pleased with the $1 find and results. Come say hi sometime.

  2. First of all, I love the hearder on your blog! The pictures are amazing. Second, that checker board looks exactly like mine! And I paid $1.00 for the one I bought as well. You did a wonderful job. Thanks so much for the mention. :)

  3. I am glad I am not alone, once I get honed in on something, nothing and no one is going to stop me...your Chinese checkerboard looks great!

  4. my husband made a chinese checker board a few years ago, but it remains kind of unfinished. I may have to frouf it up like you did.

    Come visit my site to win my first ever giveaway. http://froufrugal.blogspot.com

  5. How fun! I actually have NO IDEA how to play Chinese Checkers!!

    Thanks for linking up to Show and Tell Saturday!

  6. Looks Great! Very Cool!


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