
We're Off To See............

Today is the 71st anniversary of the release of The Wizard of Oz. Can you believe the movie has been around that long?
On many lists, it is rated as one of the top ten movies of all time.
For Halloween 1990, I dressed my crew of five up as Wizard of Oz characters. When the children were growing up I tried to always make their costumes. For some reason I had the thought to make them all from one theme that year. As is typically how I operate, I did not start till the day before Halloween.  And, as is typically how I operate, I had to stay up all night to get things finished. I think just because of the sheer number of little ones, they were quite the hit that Halloween. 
The next night, my sister (who was not married nor had any children of her own at the time) took the entire crew (!!!) to a big Halloween extravaganza.  The children were once again the hit.........and my sister took all the credit. She told everyone she had worked so hard on their costumes and stayed up all night to get them finished!  ha!!
Coicidentally, the next year we moved to Kansas. We were well prepared!! 
(Fielding=Tin Man, Annabelle=Good Witch, Taylor=Dorothy, Coulter=Cowardly Lion, Luke=Scarecrow)

1 comment:

  1. Oh how cute! You did a great job with those costumes. laurie


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