
Random Mutterings of a Friday....

Kudos to Pepsi for their great advertising campaign! First their Pepsi carton is catchy to the eye.
 I love the graphics.  I love the thought and I love what is behind the graphics and the thought.  I love the idea that a major American company is encouraging us to DO GOOD. It is great that they want us to let others know about what is good! I guess I'll just have to keep drinking Pepsi (and Mt. Dew) to show my support.  DO GOOD!

Other things that make me happy this beautiful summer day...a three-day weekend for many.  My children will all be home to eat to visit. It is also my daughter Annie's 27th (giant gulp) birthday. To quote the good Dr. (Seuss), "How did it get so late so soon?"
 We will celebrate with bright and happy colors, because that is Annie's personality. It just so happens that I found great birthday candles at Pier 1.
 I could not decide which set I liked best, so I just got both. I'll use the toothpick candles (and the sprinkles) on birthday cupcakes and the tea light candles on the table. They were both too cute to pass up. I might even have to go back and get the cute napkins I saw there too. I might have passed up the napkins, but I did grab this.....
  Isn't that the cutest? It is perfect, as I am off to begin my cooking and cupcake baking. Have a great Friday!


  1. Anonymous5/28/2010

    Can't wait to eat my cookie cake all by myself, no sharing with the siblings. Cute birthday stuff too-- I do have the best birthday since it celebrates the arrival of summer!

  2. Anonymous5/29/2010

    Have a very happy birthday! I remember how excited your mom was to get a girl!
    Have a great time with your kids. We will all be together too. Ryan and Amber are coming from Denver today!


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