
In Honor of my Grandfather and all Veterans....

The following is a poem my grandfather wrote to my grandmother in 1918 during WWI.
The picture above is of the actual poem (on the right), a letter he wrote while he was on the ship on his way to France, and two books of WWI poetry that were his. They are filled with wonderful graphics as well.  I hope you enjoy the poem as much as I love reading it.

                                       Same place, same war, same month, different day
Same Girl
    Same Town,
        Same State
Same (as per usual):
           Same kind of longing to see you. Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.,
            Same promises of coming back.
            Same description of beautiful scenery.
            Same assurances not to worry about me ending with statement of 
great danger I am about to enter and hardships I am enduring all for you.
           (Service record shows I was DRAFTED Sept. 19. 1918)

             Same great agony of mind I am enduring wondering if that damn 
slacker is still hanging around your house.
             Same description of beautiful  ? girls, and how well I am 
learning to speak French (this word was blacked out and the word "censored" was written in)
                 Same complimentary mention of company officers and kindness of
                                         Same promises, Same love
                                             Same kisses.
                                                      Same soldier
  Same address
P.S. Be sure to put "1st CLASS: before private in my address.

So?  Do you love it as much as I do?  If you look closely at the picture of the letter below you can see more of his words that are also romantic. 




To all the Veterans and the families of the Veterans, I THANK YOU.  I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your bravery, your sacrifice and your willingness to serve so that others may enjoy freedom. Thank you.

I have linked with Tracey for her Sunday words of wisdom.
Don't forget to thank a Veteran!


  1. Oh. I'm just sitting here crying. I popped over here from Cherry Lane Cottage where you had left a note referencing your blog.

    What a beautiful, beautiful poem! I have studied WW1 quite a bit both in history classes and in literature. Knowing what a horrible war that was (well, all war is horrible but WW1 was particularly bloody and so hard on the soldiers), I found your grandfather's poem particularly poignant.

    What a treasure that you still have those pieces of the past, and what a lovely heritage.

    (And on a lighter note, aren't you dying to know who the "slacker" was who was hanging around your grandmother???)

  2. How wonderful that you have this poem. A beautiful treasure and piece of history. I am so glad you shared it with us this morning.
    Smiles :)

  3. Anonymous5/30/2010

    OMG! Way to make a girl cry!!! Lori, you inspire me all the time with your awesome posts and I love your header picture as well. We just put a bunch of little flags lining our walkway and then bought a new flag because we have a flagpole in our front yard and I love to fly my flag. I am so proud to be an American!


  4. Thank you for the invite to your blog this morning. I ((loved)) your Grandfather's prom to your grandmother~

    Loved how he wants her to know 'nothing' has changed in their relationship...
    He wants her to know how much he loves her!

    also love~
    "1st Class" before private in my address

    I hope men and women love each other this much in our days!

    Thanks for sharing!

  5. I so enjoyed reading your Grandfather's poem, the way he rhymed the last two lines is perfect.

  6. How very sweet! I love it you have and honor that love letter. Oh, those "slackers"!!!!

  7. Lori, thanks for the comment on my blog. Happy Birthday to your Annabelle! You're so lucky to have your Grandfather's poetry. How sweet & funny, too. :)

  8. What a wonderful piece of your family history this poem is. It's one I know I'll remember!

  9. What a beautiful tribute to your grandfather and our service men & women. Thanks so much for sharing it~ I so loved seeing his letter. Happy Memorial Day :-)


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