
The Land of the Free, The Home of the Brave....

It goes without saying that this week's tablescape would be patriotic. I come from a very patriotic family and I got the gene. I probably own as much patriotic decor as some people do Christmas decor.
 With that in mind, I wanted my tablescape to reflect what Memorial Day is about and not so much the fun and festivities of July 4th.
 These are little metal WWI Barclay soldiers.  They were originally toys. I consider them treasures. You can buy them on Ebay, which I linked. They are affordable. 
 So while the dishes are as cute as can be, it is the centerpiece I love this week. I thought of it at the last second and threw it together.  Had I thought of it sooner, I would have had more pictures to add to it. 
 I used a wire picture holder, put it in the middle of the bowl, and surrounded it with small flags. The pictures are of the men in our families that served in the different wars, and the women they left behind.
 My Granddad Flanagan.

 My Grandfather Ferguson and men from his Company.
 My M 
My Grandmother Ferguson.
She gathered up everything my Grandfather
sent her while he was overseas and
had this very (dramatic!) picture made!
(I love it!!)

My father-in-law on the right 
and his best friend on the left.
They are with their wives.
They were all four high school
best friends.
They are about 21 or 22 in the picture.
I filled the rest of the picture holders with postcards
my Grandfather Ferguson had sent while he was away.
I have written about other ways to decorate with these postcards here.

My Grandfather Ferguson's discharge papers.
All the pictures of him, his beloved Annie,
the discharge papers and vaccination papers
were found in the trunk I talked about here.
If you look closely at the above picture,
you can see where the mice had been 
chewing on the paper.
I realize I am very lucky to have these things.
I need to add pictures of my Dad who was in the Army
and every.single.one. of my uncles and Tim's uncles
who also served.
If you do not have pictures of
your own to use, 
there are plenty of places to 
find pictures.
Any vintage pictures would work.
for that matter
current pictures of our servicemen and women.

 As for the dishes...
the secondary part of my tablescape,
they were quick and easy to put together.
I used the red plates from a set of 
red dishes
my husband surprised me with 
one year.
The cloth 'napkins' are really
tea towels from 
the Dollar Tree.
The star plates are also from the Dollar Tree.
They are big enough that they could actually
be used as chargers with a smaller plate 
in the middle.
The placemats...yep, you guessed it...Dollar Tree.
They are cheap light enough that they curled
at the edges some. It actually was
kind of cute and looked like it was 
meant to be.
The blue bowls were a four-pack from Wal-Mart or Target
a few years ago.
They are great for summer.
The silverware is a mixture of red and blue
that I use all the time.

The place card 'holder' 
is actually a chip-clip.
I also bought them at the Dollar Tree.
They come in packs of three.
I bought them because I liked them.
Then when I was unloading my other finds
to set my table, it just hit me to use them 
as placecard holders.
My son Luke, my best critic inspirer
admonished me for the plain 
He pointed out that I could have 
copied other 
military pics
for placecards.
Or used some type of flag paper
for placecards.
There 'ya go. You all can have better 
than me, thanks to Luke.
The package of stars came from Pier 1.
Gasp! I actually bought something that 
wasn't from Dollar Tree!

To make my centerpiece I
used the outside bowl.
I placed a bucket inside the bowl
so I would not have so much space
to deal with.
I then put the wire picture holder
inside the bucket.
I stuffed paper towels around the edges
to give the flags better grip.
It is pictured below:
I put the 'beads' on top of the 
papertowels, just so no one
would see them.
I hope everyone has a wonderful
Memorial Day weekend.
Please remember our service men and women
in your thoughts and prayers.
Take a moment to thank any
serviceman or woman you see.
I have linked to Susan at BNOTP.
Go by and see the unbelievable
bloggers share each week.
I also linked with the Style Sisters
Check out all the great centerpieces they share.
The first tablescape I ever did for BNOTP
was also patriotic and can be found here.


  1. I love how you used all the precious pictures and memorabilia. Great table..How did I miss those towels at the Dollar Tree? My friend the Tablescaper used them to this week!
    God bless our service people!

  2. Great tablescape, but it goes without saying that the best part is the centerpiece. How lucky are you to have all of those momentoes. Just wonderful.

    You'll see in my scape this week I use the same "napkins" but my Dollar Tree didn't have those placemats. Great find.

    - The Tablescaper

  3. Lovin' the old USA! Great tablescape...my fav is the old pics!


  4. Lori, this is an awesome post! Not only is your table setting totally fun and patriotic, but your family momentos are the very best. How fortunate you are to have the items of all that served our country. My favorite is of your grandmother gathering the things. So very sweet and it touched my heart.

  5. Love your tablescape. Really love the old pictures and the little soliders. They are wonderful on your table.

  6. I love how this tablescape has so much meaning behind it. The photos and postcards are a great touch. I'm going to copy you for next year!

    I also love the chip clip idea for placecard holders. It also serves as a cute little favor. I saw them but didn't buy them as I couldn't think what to do with them. Thanks for another great idea!


  7. It's a fantabulous Memorial Day tablescape. Much better than mine.

  8. I love your Tablescape!What a beautiful way to really honor family members and any service men or woman that have fought or are fighting for our freedome. THis is really inspiring!
    You are So creative with how to put together your centerpiece with the momentos, flags, beads and papertowels to hold them in place. The linens are perfect and so smart of you to use clipy's! Cute dishes and I love the little army guys! AMazing job! I am so glad you linked up to Centerpiece Wednesday! It is so fun to see what everyone comes up with and how each one inspires everyone. Thanks again...oh can you link back to the Style Sisters as well that would be great.

    Happy Memorial Day!

  9. I love your table, love all the old things mixed with the new things, so much to look at, I love that, so interesting and full of memories and fun...

  10. I am loving all the patriotic tables this week. Each one a little different, yet all the same. Have a great weekend.

  11. Lori .. Beautiful !! I love it! Those Barclay Soldiers are a true treasure .. I'll have to go hunting on ebay. The photo of your Grandmother Ferguson holding the things your Grandfather sent brought tears to my eyes.. and those post cards .. oh my so precious. Beautiful Tribute!
    ~Debbie aka Jadehollow

  12. What a special, wonderful table! I love the way you've included photographs of the servicemen in your family and various mementos. Your guests will be reminded of the reason we celebrate Memorial Day!

  13. Anonymous5/27/2010

    WOW! You have blown me away with this one Lori.


  14. Love your tablescape. How creative you are!

    Thank you for your kind comments on Sunday. I will let you know when Kelita's website is functionsing. She will have samples of her music there.

    Have a blessed week.

  15. Your table is a perfect tribute to those who gave all. Thank you for sharing the personal photos as well, they make the table. Happy Memorial Day

  16. LOVE your patriotic tablescape with your family memorabilia~ vaccination records & discharge papers! So glad the mice didn't do too much damage... Those Barclay soldiers are so adorable~ Happy Memorial Day, you've really inspired me :-)

  17. Anonymous5/31/2010

    I don't know you but I wish I did, that Idea was brilliant!! Thank you for sharing and I hope you enjoyed your holiday as well!

  18. this is the most beautiful and patriotic tablescape. dishes are pretty and all but what you have created is so much more special. I am the wife of a U.S marine who returned home from deployment last year. I have my front porch and table set from Memorial day to July 4th in patriotic style with some additions and subtractions along the way. Thanks for sharing

  19. Wow, this is wonderful! Thank you for this Veteran's Day Tablescape.

    Kathy Matthews
    Central Oregon

  20. This is really great! You did our service men and women proud with this one!!! I will definitely show it to my husband who is former Air Force.

  21. Wonderful table! What treasures you have in those photos and vintage military documents! Your centerpiece is just marvelous!

  22. What amazing treasure you have!!!! I adore your table!!!! Thx for remembering!

    m ^..^

  23. Thank you for all the treasured pictures and stories you shared. I especially LOVE Grandma Ferguson's picture!! Its delightful to meet someone who has the "gene". Every male member of my family has served as far back as I can remember, an uncle in WWII all the way through today my two nieces serve in the Air Force, a nephew in the Army and my own son, a Sgt. in the Army. Thank you for a wonderful tablescape and story.

  24. Love your Memorial Tribute and your table. I'm collecting more patriotic goodies every year. The photo idea is great. We will be flying our U.S. and Marine flag high all weekend...

  25. What an absolutely wonderful post! Of course I love your star plates and striped napkins, but I love most the mementos of your family's service to our country. Yours is a most meaningful tablescape for Memorial Day. Thank you for sharing your precious keepsakes,
    Hope you have a great weekend,

  26. I love your patriotic table with all the members of you family displayed.
    Have a great weekend, Lori.

  27. Anonymous5/29/2011

    Hi, my first time here. Love the setting. what an awesome tribute your loved ones and the US Military. Found you on Between naps on the porch.


  28. Anonymous5/30/2011

    I'm a huge fan of the red, white and blue myself. I love your centerpiece; what a clever idea!

  29. I was searching blogs for July 4th ideas and just LOVE your vintage-style decor. Thank you for the inspiration!!


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