

 Remember when I told you last week about the new piece of furniture I unexpectedly got? I replaced an old buffet that I had for over 30 years with this piece. It is all wood, already painted white and already distressed. Clearly there was (an invisible) neon sign with an arrow and the blinking word "Lori" by this monstrous piece when it was sitting forlornly in the store! 
I'm not even sure what it is called. I think it qualifies as a sideboard, a step-back and a hutch. It is so perfect for my wall that I'll just call it dreamy! 

 People have asked, and yes, I do plan to change the dishes per season. And yes, I cannot wait! And as my son suggested, it is perfect for holding lots of food for family gatherings. It will be put to good use. In the meantime I put part of my trusty classic blue and white dish collection up to bat first. I figured it was a good summer style, and blue and white is always a winner. 
 As is my style, there is no style!  I like to mix and match and randomly display. I like it best that way. 

 I used a bunch of the various sizes, kinds and colors of blue and white....with a spout. Sometimes they are teapots, sometimes gravy boats, sometimes creamers and sometimes small pitchers. But they had in common their spouts/ladles and their colors. If you'll notice I sat the Blue Willow teapot on an upended cheapola glass candlestick base to give it some heighth separate from the gravy boat. In real life, you cannot even see the candle holder. Notice the little pic to the left? That is a picture I took a couple of years ago, I then ran it through my Waterlogue app and had it printed on cardstock. I need to frame it now. 
 Of course, I need to do a lot of things. Time is ticking and school will be starting very soon! But finding this piece, definitely made it a happy summer for me.

 The top and the bottom are actually two different pieces. When I went to pick it up, I was alone since my husband and all my sons were at work. Also, we don't own a pickup, so I had to try and fit it into my small SUVish type car. I keep a measuring tape in my purse, so I measured the two parts of the hutch the night we found it. 

 At seven feet long, I knew it was going to take up every inch of the space in the back of my car. I actually got another piece of furniture that night as well (which I will show you later this week). So when I went to pick up the pieces, I told the store manager that I had to start with the lightest piece and work my way to the heaviest piece, since I was going to be unloading these ALL BY MYSELF!!  Not only that, but I had to make three trips to get the furniture! One for the piece you haven't seen and two trips (one for the top and one for the bottom) of the big sideboard! Crazzzzzy!!!
 Not only that, but the store was not in the town in which I live, so I had to drive to the other town to get all three pieces! So I ended up making three round trips to pick it all up. And yes, it was one of our 100 degree Oklahoma days. (It was NOT during the cool weather from last week). Also, since these pieces were from a department store, and they had used them as display pieces, there was not really anyone there for "loading" purposes. So the store manager, a very skinny skinny young man (think Don Knotts/Barney Fife) and myself loaded the first two pieces up. I took the piece you haven't seen first. When I got home, I backed up into our driveway, and unloaded the piece under our carport. It really wasn't too bad. Less than 100 pounds I would say. I then took things out of the garage and stacked in front of my furniture prize (so no one would drive by and load-er-up!!). I then got back in the car and headed out for piece #2. 
 Next the manager and I (and the dweepy little man) (said in my nice voice), loaded up the bottom part of the hutch. We had to put the front two seats COMPLETELY forward, so that the piece would fit. Ummmm, I am 5'11.  That was a TOUGH ride home, let me tell you!!  Then I had to wrestle the base of this piece out and put it on the driveway, under the carport, with the other piece. Then I had to "cover it up" with other obstacles too.(I was sweating by now.) I then put my seat back in regular position and went back for piece #3!  When I got back, I found out the store manager had gone to lunch. Oh my gosh. That meant that Dweepy Man and I had to load the heaviest piece (the top) by myself. (I chose to take the heaviest last, that way I could just leave it in the car until my Hubs and sons could help.  
Well, where there is a will, there is a way. I recruited a couple of women sales ladies to help me and the Dweepster heave-ho it into the back of my car. I was going to get it in my car no matter what!  It was wedged in and was not going anywhere. I then wedged myself into the front seat and headed for home with the last load. (All the time I was worried that some unknown person would take my other furniture from the back of my carport....and hidden behind everything I could find!!)  Finally, to make a long story longer, a couple of my sons and the Hubs got it all in the house for me that night. I could finally sleep easy! Ha! And that my friends, is how the Sideboard-stepback-cupboard-hutch-dreamy came to live at my house!  

P.S. You are lucky I left out the part about circling the parking lot of the store over and over again, just waiting to get a front row parking spot so that we didn't have to carry the furniture as far!!
Linking to:
Metamorphosis Monday
The Scoop


  1. Well, this was certainly worth all your efforts!! What a great piece of furniture, and you fixed it up real nice!!!

  2. Good Evening Lori.... I love the name of your blog 'I have a Big Story to Tell'.... I love stories, so I have become a new follower.
    My word, three trips to get your wonderful dresser.... it is really quite fabulous. I also love the blue and white that you have added to the dresser, as I am always on the look out for blue and white china.... especially at a bargain price.
    Enjoy your new dresser.... I am sure you will, because there is always the additional excitement of seasonal changes.
    Best wishes to you from England.

  3. Lori, this is a funny story! Clever title! I love your new piece!!! It's my favorite kind of furniture - useful for display and useful for serving and storing. I like the idea of changing dishes with the seasons. I rarely do that with my Welsh dresser, but I should. Maybe that will be my goal for the coming year.

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