
Simple Sundays

Although it is not technically Sunday anymore, since (of course!) it is past midnight when I am writing this, I could not let the day go by without acknowledging Grandparent's Day.  Believe it or not, it is not even because it is my first ''Grandparent's Day"!  (I did get to see my sweet Leightyn today, when she took us out to eat.) The real reason I could not let the day go by, is because of my own grandparents. I think about them every single day and I miss them dearly every single day. More than anything I wish I could go back and tell them how much I learned from them. Each of my grandparents shaped my life in so many important ways. Many of the lessons they taught me overlapped, but many of the life lessons I learned from them were very individual, from their own personal experiences. I have no doubt many of you share the same memories as I do about growing up with wonderful grandparents. So many little things can conjure up memories of being with each of them....and loving every single minute. My family roots run deep. There are stories to be retold, lessons to teach, and memories to make. ...This I learned from four wonderful grandparents. 

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