
Hanging on, Hanging up, Hanging out

Have you ever found the absolute perfect item to hang on one of your walls, 
but their is no good way to hang it without putting in multiple nails?
Or you try to nail one of those picture hangers on with the
teeny tiny nails that you have to attempt to pound in? 

 I am one of those that is always hanging non-hangables (new terminology) on the wall. 
I'll let you in on my little secret.

 It is the simplest secret you will ever hear.

 I use E6000 glue. 
That's the secret.
I get the glue at Hobby Lobby. Perhaps you can get it elsewhere, but that is where I buy mine.
Then I simply use a variety of picture hangers and the E6000 and glue away.
Every single thing in the picture above has been glued
with E6000.

 It does not bond instantly, so you have time to make sure it is straight on whatever you are gluing. I have used it on wood, ceramic, glass, tin, and plastic. It has held on everything. 
 I have five plates at the top of the stairs, that were gifts when each of my children were born. I simply glued a hanger on the back of each plate in the same spot, let it dry overnight, and the hangers are bonded permanently. 

 No more picture hangers to try to stretch across the plates. This provides a clean look. 

 At the bottom of the stairs I did the same thing. Those are big, heavy pictures in those frames. I glued a picture hanger on the top two corners of each frame to provide stability. They are holding up great. 

 The big faux-wood "L" got the E6000 treatment as well. 

 Who would ever imagine that this antique piece of ceiling tin is held up by two picture hangers glued on with E6000? Perfect way to hang something that would otherwise require some nail-manipulation!
 While it is an extremely simple tip, I am willing to bet that some people have not tried the remarkable glue. Find something you want to hang and get happy with picture hangers and E6000!
That's my tip for the day. Now I must return to grading (the mountain) of English papers?  Anyone have any tips on how to deal with that??????
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  1. Great idea! Does it come off the wall if/when you want to move things?

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this tip! We've had an old oar for over a year but I couldn't figure out how to hang it without using brackets (and I didn't want to use brackets!) I have E6000 on hand and will be using it on the oar today!

  3. I just found this blog 3.5 years after you posted this. But wondering how the heavy things hung with e6000 have stayed? I want to hang a frameless mirror and I bought hangers for the back and want to try e6000 to mount the hangers.


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