
Willowy Mantel

If it had the look, smell or character of winter this weekend, then it was kicked OUT of my house!
Pinecones, snowmen, winter wreaths, feel-good flannels....
all banished to the basement.
I know. I know. I know.
The joke will be on me.
March will roar in with a winter vengeance.
We can all blame me.
It has been such an 
incredible un-winter
that I felt like a fool
everyday when I would come home
to see (fake) snowmen sitting in the 
urns by my door
and a winter wreath hanging on the door.

I never even took a 
picture of them,
as I was determined to 
take the picture when they 
actually had a layer of real snow 
covering them!
So among the winter ware I banished,
was my tartan throw on the
Then I thought to myself,
"Self, that little centerpiece is still cute.
Just move it somewhere."
So the blue willow creamers and gravy boats
became front and center
on the mantel.

The mantel had 
(mercury glass and white) pinecones
so the mantel needed new
occupants anyway.
I took the pictures just as the sun
was setting, which made for 
some very interesting brights spots and shadows.
I added a few 
teapots to each end
and put a platter in the middle.
The mantel is almost seven feet long
and is daunting to decorate.
I never know whether I have 
too much
too little.
Not to mention
the world's biggest mirror 
that I'm always 
ducking from!

Since I robbed the table
to pay the mantel
I had to redo the table.

I'll show you that in a day. 
Or two.
(While I'm waiting on winter to arrive!!)


  1. Very pretty! I did a blue willow theme for my winter mantel this year, too. I think yours is much lovelier though.

  2. I love Blue Willow!! But I too took my snowman from outside to his summer hiding place....just felt silly seeing it there everyday...and I did no winter decor inside because of the new flooring install...why add to that mess!!


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