
Up On The Tabletops....!

After I spent time putting up and
setting up
Christmas decorations,
I never took any pictures.......
until it was pitch black dark!
Of course that is only about 5:30ish
now that "winter" is here.
So the two or three tabletops
I have pictured
are taken at night, with a flash, and not good light.
I took my two Dollar Tree Santa mugs and my
two antique Santa mugs
and tried to make them look like
Pottery Barn.
Trust me, it is cuter in the real light.

The bottom two are the Dollar Tree mugs.
(As if you couldn't tell!) Cute, nevertheless!!

The top two are old. I 've had them both about 150 years. ..Or at least it
seems like it. I even let my children drink out of the bigger one(s). Yes, plural....
But that is why there is only one left now. I know. Another bummer.

I need to fix the top guy. He seems to
be hanging in the balance.
We can't have Santa taking a fall on my watch!

Don't you just love the sparkle of Christmas?
Everywhere....in decorations AND people's attitudes????

My last "night time" tabletop. The rest I promise to take in day light hours!

Simple. (Unoriginal....but pretend with me!)
I got the wooden box at Nell Hill's eons ago.
It is one of those boxofathousanduses boxes.
I added in a Black Friday poinsettia and a Santa I got on sale after Christmas last year and a lots and lots of glass balls.
Not only simple, but easy on the wallet.
That's a yeeehawww! (As opposed to bummer.)

Lisa and Laurie and LeAnn and Tracy and everyone else that asked.
I promise to get some pics taken in the day.....just for you...and you..and you...and you.
Until then, join me at Metamorphosis Monday and at Layla's and Christmas Copy Cat.


  1. Lo,
    thanks! Now if you would just come decorate my house, my life would be complete!!

  2. Adorable! Love those little cups. Thanks for sharing at the holiday party.


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