
Santa Baby Canvas

For a year now I have wanted the Pottery Barn
Glitter Santa.
I am sure you have seen it.
I don't think you can get it at Pottery Barn any longer,
but it is still for sale on many other sights.
For the low, low price of $150!
Well, if there is a will there's a way....
Yesterday my daughter, my just-turned-eight-year-old-niece and I had a craft day at our house. On the agenda: Make-Our-Own-Glitter-Santa's.

We ended up making three of them. For now. The girls want to come back next week and crank out more!
Caroline made a pink one with red lips (so Andy Warhol!!),
Annie made hers out of red-glitter Martha paint and I
did the Pottery Barn silver glitter.
We started out when I saved a picture of PB's Santa. I then enlarged it and printed it off.
I used transperancy paper to make our template and set up the overhead in the craft room.
We put one of the stretched canvases onto the wall and began.
We lightly sketched our pattern on to each canvas with a pencil.
It is a painting of shadows, and is a little tricky to figure out when you are close up.
Far away though, it looks dandy!
Caroline was the first to try the Santa.She did all her own tracing and painting.
She decided instantly that she wanted a "that medicine color of" pink. (Pepto Bismol)
It was 100% her idea to add the red lips.
I could not believe how well she did.
She not only never asked for any help, she was offended when we asked if she needed any help!
One wall in Caroline's room is a hot pink
and she wanted Santa to go on that wall.
Personally, I love the red lips. So bold!
That is her signature (initials) over in the corner.
(Also thought of on her own!!)

At the end of the afternoon we had three glitter Santa's. I think we will do Round Two this weekend!


  1. I have to tell you what a fantastic job you did! I have the P. B. santa. No, I didn't pay $150 for it. Three years ago I was checking their clearance and there it and the Peace canvas were on clearance. I paid something like $28 each for them. Here comes the catch. When they arrived they were just rolled up in a tube. Cost me quite a bit to have them framed. i just had the Santa put on stretch bars, but because he was so big it was still a bit pricey. I had the peace one framed. It cost me like $350. I about died! It is huge though. I have a big 20 ft. wall in my family room. I hung it for Christmas two years ago and have left it there ever since. It's red and says PEACE in all different languages. Figured you should have peace all year long. I love your daughters 'hot lips' Santa. What a cutie!

  2. Wow, these came out great! Your niece did a wonderful job I love her pink Santa and the add-on of the red lips. Laura

  3. that is so cool! turned out great-you guys did a good job! :)

  4. Love your santas, but mostly I LOVE that you have a CRAFT ROOM!!!!! Wish we lived closer, I'd invite myself over!

  5. Awesome! I love how the little one thinks for herself and no one trys to change her mind...

  6. Your Santas are wonderful. What a great idea.

  7. This turned out really nice. Thank you for sharing with us:)


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