
Snap! What a great idea!

Putting a slip cover on a chair does not have to be painful if you are making them yourself. There are plenty of patterns out there for the simple covers to put over Parson-like chairs. I thought I would share a quick and very simple idea to include on your slipcover.  Snaps. Yep, that is right. Snaps. The kind like you find on Onesies. A row of Snaps. You can find these anywhere that sewing supplies are sold. It comes on a roll like you would buy ribbon. You tell the clerk how much you need. She cuts what you ask for. You put one side of the snaps on one side seam and the other side of the snaps on the other part of the seam. Super. Duper. Easy.
When it is time to pull the slipcover off to wash, it is as easy as can be to pull off and put back on. 
These also work great on the back of pillows. 
Snap! What a great idea!
I am linking this with Furniture Friday's and Show and Tell Friday. Check them out.Linking also with Funky Junk Interiors and Be Different Act Normal.


  1. Clever!!! Great job.

  2. It comes in a roll? That is wonderful, and I'm going to be looking for them. Velcro and I are sworn enemies. I'm convinced of that. This would be a much better application for several things that I'm currently fighting.

  3. Super duper idea is right! Gee, why didn't I think of that one? So simple.
    Thanks for sharing it!


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