
Simple Sundays

Sing unto the LORD with thanksgiving; sing praise upon the harp unto our God: Who covereth the heaven with clouds, who prepareth rain for the earth, who maketh grass to grow upon the mountains.  Psalms 147:7-8

Unless you are in Texas or Oklahoma reading this, you have no idea how significant our rain shower was tonight. Thank You God!!  We have had 40+ days of over 100° temperatures. We have not had temps below the high 90's and any measurable rainfall since mid May. Today it was 111°,(our fifth day in a row at that temp or above I might add) when unforecast clouds began moving in. Within an hour we had total cloud cover and the temperatures had dropped to the low 90's. Within 30 more minutes it had begun to rain and the temperatures went down to an unbelievable 85°. Our total rainfall was 1/2 inch. Our little town could not have been happier if it had been 12 inches. We are thankful for every drop. Our temps are still in the high 80's as I write this at midnight. It feels like a cool front for us. We hav opened the windows and put on the attic fan. Tomorrow and the next day and the next and the next...and as far as they forecast in advance, the temps promise to be at the 110° area again. But for tonight we are thankful. We are loving every drop in temperature and every drop of rain. Thank you God.

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