
They've Been Framed!

 I have dark brown walls in my master bedroom.  (I actually like the brown walls, but am not sure if I am going to keep them...But with a million projects going on and summer quickly going by, the walls are staying brown for now.) I do need to keep things on my walls lite and airy though. So, I have the dark brown walls, a couple of old (boring) frames, and two pieces of antique china. In my world, that is the perfect storm for a re-do!

I brushed minimal amounts of Old White on the outside of each frame. The second layer of the frame is an old linen.
It is a little discolored. I like that. I kept it just that way.
 I used glass glue and glued a hook on the back of each china piece. The china was my husband's grandmothers, so I did try to take good care with it.
 I waxed the frames with clear wax before the paint was even dry. Then I sanded them down when they were still a little damp. It all ended up with a very distressed look. Just what I was looking for.
I had the larger platter on bottom initially, then thought to myself that everyone would put the small one on top and the large one on bottom. So I switched them around. I like the non-normal of it now! A very quick little project....  Two pieces of china that would otherwise be put away + two old frames that were just waiting to come out of the closet = Perfect pairing in a cute little brown corner!

Check out Show and Tell Friday, No Minimalist Here, and Miss Mustard Seed's Makeovers.


  1. That looks so good. Have you considered leaving the wall your bed is on brown and painting the other three a lighter color? Just a thought.


  2. This is a nice idea that really turned your frames and plates into works of art.

  3. Love it! I really like the finish on the frames!

  4. You are so creative! I love it!
    Show more pictures of the house!

  5. What a great project! Beautiful idea. The frames and plates look stunning. Thanks for sharing:)
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

    Happy weekend!

  6. Very cute, indeed! Have a lovely weekend!

    Waving from Our Back Porch,

  7. They look great! I love the idea of framing your platters! The frames are lovely against that brown wall. I am your newest follower from Miss Mustard Seed's Linky. Hope you can visit me sometime soon at http://homespunhappenings-tammy.blogspot.com/2011/07/time-gone-by.html

  8. I love this idea and it looks wonderful against the dark wall! Thanks for joining the Open House party this week.


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