
The Office (The Room...not The TV Show!)

 Today my friend Lisa,
whom I never get to see,
wrote me and said she wanted
to see more pictures of
the house.
Also today, my daughter Annie
spent the day in the hospital
because she is so sick,
and I did not get the
post I had planned to write done.
 So I looked through my
camera files tonight,
and found these pictures of
The Office
(The Room...not The TV Show!)
Technically it is just one corner of
The Office
(The Room.....not The TV Show).
These are pictures of the corner
where my
computer sits.
My computer would actually be
where I was standing to take the pics....
Like the picutres of all the metal punctuation symbols I have collected...
and the fun Grammar Police (that would be me!!!) button!
 Oh, my, comma splices, run rampant, throughout things we, write!
 One of my All-Time-Favorite-Students took this uber cool picture in a New York City gift shop. How cool is that Lori and Lucas were right next to each other? This student has gone on to become an unbelievable professional photographer! And I have some of his first pieces of work!
 I can't help it! I have to buy typography when I see it. Even in hook form! This now has a small SOONERS sign hanging from it....
 Oh my goodness how I love this saying. Someone gave it to me when I left Kansas, and I read it and think of them...and what the saying means every. single. day!
 Another All-Time-Favorite-Student painted this for me. Actually it is a chalk drawing. She free-handed it. Isn't it wonderful?  Now she too is a teacher...and I am sure Queen of Everything as well.
 Woo-Hoo!!!  I know, I find it a little hard to believe too.
 Four words: Blood, sweat and more sweat! Wait. That's five words!
 Another friend in Kansas gifted me with these cool file folders. I am gifted with great friends!
 I needed a place to put all the little things you need in an "office"...or when grading papers or writing lesson plans. So I gathered up a bunch of my little Longabergers and put them in this galvanized tray. (PB knock-off no less).
And that Lisa, and Blogging Friends,
 is one more view of a little corner of
The Office
(The Room....not The TV Show).
This one little corner is
packed with
special memories,
of special people,
and special times.
I'll have to show the rest of
The Office
(The Room...not The TV Show) soon.
(P.S. Annie had a boil lanced (ouch!) yesterday, and somehow the infection
got into her blood stream
and she has been very sick in the hospital today....You just never know!)


  1. I pray that Annie feels much better very soon!!

    Susan and Bentley

  2. Anonymous7/08/2011

    Lori, my prayers are with Annie (&you. sure is hard to see our babies sick, no matter how old they are)

    Loved your office, and I never get to see your friend Lisa either!

    See, I told you I followed your blog!

    love ya, deb

  3. First and foremost, I am sorry to hear about Annie, I hope she is feeling better very soon, I hope its nothing serious, please let me know.

    Also, I love your eye of collecting things, you find the neatest stuff, the license plates, very cool and the Erma Bombeck quote SO TRUE!

    And thanks for your "Walk Away" comment about my room, my hubby says the same thing. I so need to learn to walk away.

    Love ya girl,
    The other "L"

  4. Thanks for the pics! Keep them coming.
    Yes, I saw Deb's comment. Just remember, the highway heading north doesn't drop off at the edge of town !


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