
Shady Activities Going on Here..............

 In the new house there is a nice-sized den off the big living room. We chose to put the TV in this room. The den has one of those old-house features that I love--a bow window. It has four very large (32 x 78) windows, that bow out.

 We found some bamboo shades at Lowe's that were regularly $40, but we got them for $25 a piece. And a little secret.... they weren't exactly the right length....they were only 72 inches in length....But, as I pointed out to Hubby, I NEVER pull the shades. We needed them for the den, just to keep the glare off the TV.  So I grabbed them up.

 They are really nice and fold up like a Roman shade. You can see them above at the normal length I keep them.

Unless Ike needs me to raise one up a bit so he can get a better look at the squirrels that run through our yard!
Like I told Hubby after he put the shades up for me....four down, forty-one more to go! Ha! He'll be a shady character for sure by the end of all these windows!
Linking this with Metamorphosis Monday's and Wow Us Wednesday's. Check them out!

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Welcome to my Big Story. You thought....