
All Aboard!

 I have told you about my dog Ike, that likes to stay up on everything that is going on in the neighborhood. He sits at several different windows throughout the house, making sure he gets a good view from each direction.
 Well, several times a day he sees this. A (new) old trolley. Trolley's are the mode of public transportation in this historic town to which I moved. How cute is that?  Not only are they public transporation, but they give tours of the town as well.
Not only is this town known for its historic buildings and houses, but I live smack in the middle of the historic old house distric. So several times a day I see these little trolley tours stopping at the four-way stop in front of our house.  Nothing like a few trolley tours per day to make me get my "A" game on, to get this house looking great!
(Note also I took these pics looking out my windows. I wasn't going to go outside so they trolley people could see me taking a picture of them, taking a picture of my house!)
Gotta get back to the fixin'-uppin'....I've got trolley tours waiting!

1 comment:

  1. My Bentley loves to look out the window too. My house is also in a historic neighborhood too. Isn't it fun?? Give Ike a big hug for me.

    Susan and Bentley


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