
Old Glory in The Hood..............

I am one of those people that
4th of July.
I mean I really love it.
I love what it stands for...
independence, freedom, equality.
I love to celebrate that.

 I have a neighbor across the street
also loves
Old Glory.
Every morning when I step out on my
front porch
I see this.
Be still my red, white and blue-beating heart!
 She has a flag on her house...
then she put a flag on
every other
that lines
the front of
her house.
It. Is. Beautiful.
Every single morning
it gives me goose-bumps.
 This is my house
looking from
the flag-love-waving-house.
Notice anything?
(Besides my Hubby out working hard while I walk the neighborhood taking pics....)

 I will give you a clue with the pic...
I am standing against another tree that
is not in the picture....
But do you  get the picture?
I, too, have a big line of trees down the
front of my house.
This is my plan.
I want to go and knock on
flag-love-waving-house and
tell them how much I LOVE
what they did.
Then I want to tell them that I LOVE
it so much,
I want to copy it for my house.
I am hoping that they see it as
a compliment...
and then maybe the whole neighborhood
could join in....
(Unless there is a tree-hugger (said in the nicest way) that
doesn't think we should be putting
flag holders
on trees.)
That is my plan.
Next year I will also
have a parade of flags.
 While we are talking about my
new 'hood,
I'll show you a couple of other interesting
I live on the corner lot.
This is the view from my corner.
It was an orphanage
many years ago,
then sat empty for years.
A couple bought it
and totally restored
the. entire. thing.
They live in part of it, and rent the
other parts out for weddings, etc.
The first week I was here I was
invited to a tea there.
But I didn't go.
Hey, I wanted to, but I couldn't find my dresses.
Hopefully she doesn't think I am snotty
and has another tea again soon.
 This is a neighbor
on another corner.
Isn't that house beautiful?
I just love it.
What wonderful views I have
from my (45!!!) windows.
 Here is the deal...
the street that goes between
our houses
is a dead end.
There are a couple of houses
between each of us
and the dead end.

 And this is what
the dead end looks like.
I live in a town of 25,000
and smack dab in the
middle of this historical neighborhood
is woods.
Woods in the hood.
(I am on a rhyme roll (see yesterday's post))
Anyway, frequently we have
running through our yard.
Yes, deer.
Actually multiples.
Because they always bring friends.
And turkey.
Wild turkey (the animals).
Smack dab in the middle of town.
It drives my dogs crazy,
but I love it!
 And while I'm at it,
I'll tease you with this pic.
This is my directly-across-the-street-neighbor.
Those are wind chimes.
We have 45 windows.
And I've only heard them once.
I'll plan to get the low-down
on these chimes.....
Right after I knock on my
let them know
about my
red, white and blue intentions!

I'm trying to post something
red, white and blue
each day this week.
We'll see how I do!
Come back tomorrow!


  1. I love it and am positive that your patriotic neighbor will take it as a huge compliment. I hope the idea catches on!

    I think you have a lovely, lovely neighborhood. I noticed the street sign even says "Washington". So you have old glory and the father of the country all in one fell swoop.

  2. Oh, me, I'd walk right to my neighbor's and give her a huge compliment, which she'll love and let me do the same! I loved your post I so enjoyed reading about it and your photos are awesome, so...go ahead and do it sweetie, they're your trees, right? It means you're Patriotic like her and it's going to look wonderful in the neighborhood! Lots of hugs, FABBY


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