
If Uncle Sam Were Frugal Tablescapes!

I showed most of the patriotic tablescapes I came up with on my post from last week. But, I saved  back a couple to share this week.
Both of these were created using a mish-mash of dishes...which I guess is my usual style!
There are so many breathtakingly-beautiful tablescapes
each week.
They make me green with envy. Truly.
But I have kind of made it a
habit of trying to do
without spending a fortune.
These dishes were from an estate sale that my girls got for me (the large blue plates),
from Dollar General (the red chargers and the blue bowl)
and from Dollar Tree
(the star plate).
The napkins are really dish cloths
that have never seen a dish!
The Uncle Sam hat was in the dollar bin at Target.

This star plate is actually just the blue part. That is a large
red plate under it.
The star is from Target.
The red plate is from the 100 pieces of red dishes my Hubby
bought for me and I use all the time....mixing and matching
it with everything.
The "charger" here is one of my much-used enamel plates I
got at Pottery Barn years ago.

Again, the napkins are dish cloths
from the Dollar Tree
that have never seen a dish!
The paper lantern is part of a three-piece set,
and the table runner is reversible,
allowing for yet
another look.
When I began this tablescape (and last week's),
I gathered together
red, white and blue
items I had in my
cabinets and closets.
When you collect items that
can easily match
when put together,
then why not have fun with them
and arrange and rearrange?
I said it before, but will repeat it...
when possible, I always try to buy four
of whatever dish I am buying.
That way it is easy to keep
the look
and to
mish and mash!

Yes, still more props I brought out
for the tablescapes.
Collect what you love
and love what you have...
and use it every chance you get!
That is my message to all the young women
that read this....(you know who you are!)
(If only Uncle Sam were so practical!!)
I am linking this up to
Go by and get some great ideas!


  1. Great table! I have the exact same Uncle Sam! Guess we shopped at the same craft show years ago.


  2. OMG!So great a project! Everything looks so perfect here. Thanks for sharing:)
    Hope to see you on my blog:)
    Happy 4th July!

  3. Love the paper lantern. This is just a cheery combination of your fun things.

  4. I love how you have put these all together! I did a 4th table too, hope you will come see me! Have a great long weekend! XO, Pinky PS, I have the same dish towels and used them as napkins too!!!!

  5. It's so lovely!! a perfect red white and blue table. Happy Fourth, Many blessings, Marlis

  6. Your mish mash rocks! I just love all the layers.Wonderful! Thanks for sharing!

  7. ADORABLE! I would love it if you could link it up on my "4th July treats" Linky!

  8. Love the Uncle Sam hat.... I have two of them. Great table.

  9. You did a great job on your patriotic table! Everything is so pretty. I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend and thanks for joining my party.

  10. Anonymous7/03/2011

    Mish mash or not, everything looks so
    crisp,fresh and ready to go... the
    contrast stand out. Thanks for the
    great ideas and sources.

  11. Anonymous7/04/2011

    "Collect what you love
    and love what you have...
    and use it every chance you get!"

    That is great advice! Your 'scapes are beautifully done. Love those star plates from Target!!


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