
When A Man Loves A Woman....

 Edited to add: This is last year's Valentine Tablescape. After I read Pat's very special valentine, I decided to pull this one out and use it again. I am a sucker for great love!

This week's tablescape is brought to you by my husband. Really.  My husband and youngest son put this together. Occasionally my son has helped me on tablescapes....as in hauling things in or out, up or down, or moving something here or there for better tablescapes.  He usually does it without any grumbling, and will give an idea or opinion once in a while.  My hubby on the other hand has feigned interest in the tablescaping. It never annoys him, but it doesn't interest him either. And yes, he always says he likes them when I ask!  :)

This week I had not planned on doing a Valentine's tablescape because I figured everyone else would as well.
I like to be different (if you had not noticed).
Then my hubby said he was going to do a
Valentine's tablescape for me.
I laughed.
He meant it.
He said on the way to work he heard the song,
"When A Man Loves A Woman"
and it gave him the idea.
Who could refuse that?

So this week's tablescape comes courtesty of Hubby
and a little help from youngest son (???).
All with me in mind.
Who could refuse that?

He gathered up red dishes and red and white dishes and Valentine dishware.
He went to the storage holiday closet garage
and raided it. I mean really raided it!
And except for a couple of pictures I got of him
hauling the stuff into the dining room,
he took the pictures too.
What you do NOT see in the pictures
is the laptop sitting there,
open to a tablescape from my blog. :)

Please note cupid and a dove.
There are a lot of love symbols
in this tablescape.

I have a lot of crap great things to pick from
and they did well.
I do believe my hubby used the "crap" word tho.
Even though he still picked through it well.

He clipped the love dove's onto the velvet napkin.
Pretty good idea, really.

Then there was this.
I am an English teacher.
I am a "word-kinda" girl.
He knows this.
Very well.
So every single layer of dishes,
when exposed,
had a set of
love notes.
(a/k/a/ flashcards)
Soulmate the first layer.

Wife/Husband the second layer.

You/me the third layer.

And just when I thought it couldn't get sweeter....

was on the silver charger.

A peak at how he set the table
and put us together
at one end.

He put tissue in the glass to get
a better picture.
He said the "L" in this tablescape
was not for our last name..
or my first name...
but for

The placecards for us
were also flashcards.
I have always loved the fact,
and used it often,
that our first initials are
T and L.
Just like TRUE LOVE.
Yes, I am mushy like that.

Another view...in progress I believe.

Extra flashcards from my stash
that he put on a crystal platter.

If you look closely,
you can see the flashcard peeking
out from the plates.

He used lots of pictures of us
through the years,
as well as lots
of candles.

A basket of glittered red hearts and filled with

This was the other end of the table,
where he kept his "extras'.

Yes, I will keep this set up
until we can really use it for a
special Valentine's dinner.

And while he had this little arrangement
set up on the edge of the table
as a sentiment for me,
I have to say,
HE stole my heart.
I hope you enjoyed a tablescape
from a Hubby's point of view!
I am linking up this romantic gesture with Susan


  1. Anonymous2/09/2011

    FANTASTIC!...love it, he done an awesome job, you can just feel the "love" everywhere.
    I do believe you got a keeper.
    Lazy on Loblolly

  2. Anonymous2/09/2011

    This was such a thoughtful, loving tablescape. The "forever" on the charger really made it extra special. Knowing your are a word-kinda-girl, I don't think anyone could have done a better job.

  3. This is the sweetest table I've ever seen! I love the idea of the flash cards to say a message. I think this guy is a keeper for sure! You two obviously share a marriage full of love and compassion. A++++++ for the hubby!
    Happy Valentine's Day! ~ Sarah

  4. Great table. I really like the Love bowls. I used to teach first grade, so the flash cards really brought back memories. You made me wish I'd kept some of my old ones. How sweet of your hubby and son to help create your tablescape.
    I tried to look for your Grant Wood dinner. If you get a chance, please send me the link. I'd love to read about some of the details and see a picture or two.

  5. I cannot believe it! This is SO ROMANTIC!!! While my hubby is supportive of my tablescaping and did help me do a Harley Davidson themed one once, he would NEVER do anything like this! You better hold on tight to any man that would even think to put together a tablescape like this for you! Not only is the sentiment so special but he did a TERRIFIC job - love the dishes and accessories he used! Hope YOU do the cooking and let him know how much you appreciate his efforts!


  6. This is the sweetest table and the sweetest sentiment I've ever seen. What a sweet sweet thing for him to do. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that he loves you with all his heart. awwwwww...just love it all. Give him a big ole hug from this olden lady. :)))
    xo bj

  7. ok that is just too cute! My poor husband is a paper plate man....I can't stand it...it's been 12 years but I think i'm slowly converting him..hahah
    Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful dinner with your sweetheart!

  8. How sweet! If I could get my hubs to even look at my tablescape, I would think I struck gold. We don't eat at the diningroom table except for special occasions. We either eat at the kitchen table or in the den watching tv using tv trays. Maybe that's an idea, setting up a tv tray scape. LOL

  9. Oh, my goodness, you picked a GOOD one! What a sweet gesture! I know you feel truly loved. The flashcards are my favorite part -- so clever and perfect for an English teacher! But the table is lovely. My husband could NOT do this, I know!

  10. This has got to be the sweetest thing I have EVER seen. My son too will occasionally haul things for me, but I cannot immagine my husband EVER putting a table like this together. AMAZING! Obviously he is a keeper!

    Happy Valentine's Day.

    - The Tablescaper

  11. Lori, I am SO impressed! What a fabulous job he did, and what a loving thing to do. I think you'd better hang on to this guy. Love the ways he used the flash cards. You did have a great stash for him to pick from, and he did an amazing job. I hope you (or he) will link his table to my V'tine party tonight. laurie

  12. How sweet! He did a great job. Give him an A if he cooked dinner too!
    Mine doesn't look at the settings, but he likes the food! :)

  13. Bravo! He did a great job! I would be so surprised to see this at my table.

  14. I would leave this tablescape set up for all eternity!!!! What a beautiful gift. What a beautiful man. You are blessed and I'm certain, very deserving. Peace.

  15. I love it when a man takes an interest in what interests his woman! Your husband did a fantastic job on that table. AND he took the pictures? What a great guy you have!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  16. YUP! He LOVES you!!!!!!!! This is just about the sweetest thing...! I'm sending him a big ol' high five! REAL men tablescape! Happy Valentine's Day to you both!!!

  17. I have a winner! This is my favorite tablescape of the week. I just love love love that your husband did it for you. I love that he *gets* you enough to know that those words from your stash of flashcards would be so *you*. It's just wonderful to me.

    He is such a keeper!
    I'm glad I saw this. Actually, I saw it through Laurie's party because I haven't made it all around Susan's Porch yet.

  18. That is so cute....I love the story. My hubs has done some amazing things for me also and I cherish each one as you will this. Have a great Valentine's Day!

  19. Lori, thank you so much for linking this story and table of love to my Valentine party. Have a great weekend. laurie

  20. Oh my goodness, this is so sweet! Your husband did a fabulous job!!

  21. Lori, you husband is a sweetie to set such a beautiful Valentine's table...mine would toss a couple plates on and call it a tablescape!

  22. How sweet, thoughtful and romantic! What a great hubby, and son!

  23. That is probably one of the most romantic ideas I have heard of lately!!! Kuddos to your Hub!!

  24. That is so romantic and truly thoughtful of your husband. This is a true love story, doing something for someone else. Thanks for sharing.

  25. That is a man! You are lucky to have found one another. May you tablescape together for many, many years to come. Have a lovely Valentines Day. ~CJ

  26. I think this is one of the cutest, sweetest things I've ever seen/read. I had a smile on my face the whole time I was reading it, because I can just see doing all this. What a sweet expression of his love for you. It'll probably break your heart to take it apart. Enjoy your dinner!

  27. Now this is the sweetest Valentines table scape ever! I really get how special this is because my husband sounds the same about the tablescaping as yours, he puts up with them. For yours to do this, and so personalized for you shows he understands you so well! He did a fantastic job too. How very special and thoughtful!

  28. I totally remember this post from last year!!! I had my husband to look at it and then gave him a sideways glance that indicated I expected him to follow suit. Still waiting....! Have a great Valentine's Day!!!

  29. Elizabeth2/11/2012

    A real Creative Cupid!!!

  30. I know that you enjoyed this....it's just the sweetest tablescape.

  31. This is absolutely the SWEETEST thing!! He's a charmer and a keeper! Happy Valentine's day to you both!


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