
I Heart Pizza

Believe it or not, I am home today on a 'snow-day' vaca. We don't have many of those, so they are nice when we have them. 
I saw the commercial for Papa John's valentine pizza. My daughter tells me that Papa Murphy's has them too.  I think they are charming. But I didn't want to work that hard on my day off!

We do always have a stash of frozen pizza in the freezer.  That is a given. (By the way, Wal-Mart deli pizzas are the best pizzas for the money). So I grabbed a cheese pizza (my favorite), a bag of pepperoni (we always have because one son loves them) and my mini heart cookie cutter.  That worked 'ok', but I finished up with my kitchen scissors. I put the pepperoni back on the pizza and baked.

It worked perfectly!  I heart pizza!
Next, I am going to try my own 
Check out other great ideas at Foodie Fridays


  1. Now that is really clever -- I am going to borrow that one. Joni

  2. Oh how fun! And perfect for delightful activities for grandparents and grandchildren as well. Thank you for the fun idea for my grandkids!

  3. This is so wonderful! Great idea!!

  4. Cute idea and I'm sure it was a bit hit:@)

  5. Totally cute! Love both of these ideas, but the heart shaped pepperoni is my favorite. Thanks for sharing this. May just have to try it! ~ Sarah

  6. How cute and how easy! Thank you for sharing this very clever idea for the Valentine Party! laurie

  7. What a fun idea! I'll have to remember this the next time I make pizza.

  8. This Pizza is so cute that I am now following you. you must be a great cook and I need inspiration...I will be back!
    Have a wonderful Valentine's Day.
    Yours Sincerely,

  9. Oh wow....who wouldn't love pizza with all these lovely cutie hearts on them! :) Yum...


  10. How creative you are in the kitchen, great idea to cut out heart shaped pepperoni for the pizza... now I'm going to steal... ummm, I mean borrow... the idea! Don't worry though, my Family will know I didn't come up with this brilliant idea!!! *winks-LOL*

    Dawn... The Bohemian


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