
A Foodie Salute to our Veterans

Just in case anyone wonders, I do not have a written list of what I plan to 1. Be grateful for on my 30 Days of Gratitude list OR 2. what recipe I will be sharing on any given day.

 Usually the night before I post I will think about it (a good recipe)  and then go and whip something up to blog about.  I have tried to post recipes that people frequently ask me for, family favorites, and good ideas for holiday baking.

 Last night I made a batch of the Scotchies for my cousin that broke her leg. The only problem is, I had just written that recipe up last week, so that would not work. Then I thought about the fact that it is Veteran's Day.  That is one day that I think we REALLY need to make a big deal over. It needs to have all the bells and whistles we can pull out. So, what better cake to make than my trusty Old Glory rendition.

 I realize it is a repeat, but it is worth repeating.  Imagine making this for your favorite Veteran. Yes, it does take a couple of hours (total time), but haven't they (the Veterans) given us something much more valuable than a couple of hours of time?

 Not only that, but Thanksgiving is such an American holiday. This cake would be glorious to cut into on Thanksgiving day.

 I am preaching to myself as well as you.  I plan to make this again. You have the pictures of my first attempt. I surely can make it better this second time around. Follow my link for Old Glory to give you directions on how to put the cake together. You can be the hit of Thanksgiving Dinner....or make a Veteran very, very happy!  Have a great Veteran's Day and find a way to honor them.

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