
FEAST-Day 2--Apple Blossoms

 Apple Blossoms....much like their cousin the Blooming Onion... are delicous.
 The difference.......this is the fastest and easiest thing to make. Ever.

 Because I wanted this delectable treat to be as healthy as possible, these are the ingredients I used: Honeycrisp Apple (if you have not had a Honeycrisp, then you are missing out), sugar-free caramel (found in the ice cream section), sugar-free whipped cream, and almonds (although any nut could be used).

 The Honeycrisp apple was so big that I could not get my apple core tool to work. The apple was bigger than the core! So, in this case I pressed it into the apple on the top and had to hand cut the rest, along the lines the core had left. In most cases it should work! I then heated the caramel in the microwave and drizzled the apple (that I had spread out in a bowl).

 I then piled whipped cream in the middle of the apple blossom and drizzled it with more hot caramel. Then I added the almonds. Obviously you can leave off the nuts if you choose. Or you could add chocolate chips. Or butterscotch chips. Or toffee pieces. Or whatever you like! 

I then grabbed a couple of heavy-duty napkins and took the bowl with the Apple Blossom into the living room to share with my husband while we watched college football.
These are so fast and easy to make that they could easily be a dessert at a party.  Try them!

Tomorrow: Apple Cider Cake

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