
30 Days of Gratitude-Day 2- Voting

I am grateful for the right to vote.
 It is almost hard for me to believe, but one of my grandmothers did not have the right to vote for a few years. She was born towards the end of the 1800's and would have been able to vote before women were given the right. I cannot imagine her sitting back and letting men tell her what to do and how to do it. She was very smart and up on issues of her time. When women were finally given the right to vote, I can almost guarantee she would have been one of the first in line. I wish now I could go back and ask her about situations such as these.
 Admittedly, there are flaws in our voting processes at times. But we acknowledge these and work to fix them. We are still given more voting rights than any other country.
Our process is becoming more and more drawn out, but we, the people, still get to decide on our officials and our issues.
 The right to vote is a privilege. It is a privilege that each of us should never take for granted. On this election day, and every single election, from presidential elections to city council we each need to exercise our right to vote.

As I go to the poll this afternoon, I will think of my grandmother and all the women before her that waited for the very moment they could vote. I'll say a silent thank you to the women that paved the way for me.  And I'll thank God that I live in a nation that gives each of us the right to cast our vote. For that, I am grateful.


  1. Anonymous11/02/2010

    Amen Sista! That's what I told the Mr. today when we were walking out the door to vote. It is indeed a privilege. Watch Ohio, we're about to take things back our way (wink)!


  2. Iron Jawed Angels. If you haven't seen it, you should. It's an eye opener.

  3. Hi Lori.

    I stumbled across your blog via Whatever. I loved reading your comment about having 5 children. You were one busy mama during those younger years.

    BTW...I loved the Halloween pic you shared from 1990. My two kiddos were Dorothy and the Cowardly Lion one year for Halloween. I currently live in KS (De Soto...not far from Lawrence) and see that you are a former resident who is now back in your home state of OK. Was just in OK (last week) for my grandmother's 90th birthday! and my cousin's wedding! We thoroughly enjoyed downtown OKC.

    Anyway, my mom is the youngest of 6 children...she has 5 older brothers! My siblings and I were the three youngest grandchildren of 19 and I remember at my grandmother's funeral an elderly gentlman patting her wrist (at the wake) and saying, "Mary, while you never had riches, you were the richest woman in the world surrounded by your children and grandchildren."

    So much love in our big extended family!

    And while I would have loved to have 5 myself, God had a different plan for my life which included years of infertility. But He is so good and blessed us with three! Our youngest is 3 months old.

    Looking forward to following your blog. And if you have a minute, stop by and check out my Halloween pics (yesterday's post) which show my Dorothy and Cowardly Lion!



  4. Oh gosh, I just noticed your sweet pictures at the bottom of your blog...is your YOUNGEST named Luke? My youngest is Luke. Such a beautiful name!!!


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