
Under Cover(s)

One of my favorite purchases this past summer was a new duvet cover (that came complete with pillow shams), two European shams (with pillows) to match, a small quilted sham to match, and then a random quilted sham that I think coordinates perfectly with my new set.

The second I saw the duvet set I loved it.  Two seconds after seeing it I put it in my cart.  It was just one of those kind of purchases...you know, where you see something and you know instantly, that is what you want.

Actually I wasn't even looking for a new set for my bedroom. I just saw it and fell instantly in love. In that two seconds it took me to put it in my cart, I knew it would be a perfect summer set for my bedroom.

Actually, the set is blue with a dark tan, and not the green it looks like in these pictures.  It is the color of the sand and sea.  I have no doubt that is why I loved it instantly.

THEN, if it was possible, I loved it even more when THIS arrived in the mail a few weeks ago:
The "Art of Living".....Hello, I want to say, "The Art of Living Much Cheaper!!" 

Yes, that is MY very same duvet set on the cover and inside the Pottery Barn catalog!
I am so in style! (I say that tongue-in-cheek).

I bent that catalog down and compared it to my set, and seriously, I can only find ONE difference........

That difference would be the price!  If I had bought my set at PB, I would have paid $149 for the duvet cover (only), $39 (x3) for the shams, and $49 (x2...and mine came WITH pillows) for each European sham. Plus, they don't have listed my one smaller quilted sham or my coordinating quilted sham. The whole set would have cost me from PB.......$364 (that is without European pillows and the two quilted shams)!!!!!

I did not pay anywhere even close to that amount.

Can you believe what I paid?  I bought the duvet set (duvet cover and shams for $39.99.  It is made by Earl and Wilson...not Pottery Barn. I got it at Marshalls. 

My two extra shams were on clearance for $7.00 a piece. 
I did not save the tag for the big European shams but I got them for $19.99 each...WITH those huge pillows included! 

Now I could just kick myself for not buying the bolster and a few other shams...and the sheets!

That's ok...Every time I walk into my 'sand and sea' bedroom I know I made the cover of Pottery Barn.

Well, not me, but my goods....Well, not MY goods exactly, but the goodies that I saw and snatched up from Marshalls.

Ahhh, those kinds of bargains make me sleep very, very well!


  1. Anonymous9/30/2010

    Hi Lori,

    It's beautiful and what a bargain!! Miss ya!


  2. Its the cutest pattern lucky you! And you are correct you definitely got the better deal.Prices can get out of hand at PB.I use the their catalog for ideas and looks that I can recreate on a dime.


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