
Turning Into a Pumpkin after Midnight.....

It actually was after midnight when I began my little 'pumpkin project'.  I bought six of these little urns with the cactus on top last week.

I had been watching them at Pier 1 all summer. I think there were originally eight when I first spied them, but over the summer they dwindled down to six.  Oh well, I was not willing to pay more than the $3.18 I got them for. In fact, I really wanted to wait a little longer, but I worried that they would all get snatched up if I waited too long. Plus, that was pretty much a rock-bottom price.

The actual little urn is (faux) stone or metal or something! But whatever it is, they are very heavy..........And just waiting to be made cute!!!!!

The plastic cactus and rock HAD to go.  I had a vision for these miniature urns from the moment I laid my eyes on them.

And here is one of the little cuties naked.  Ahhh, so much better than a plastic cactus and rock.

Since it was fall, I decided to dress them up with some new fall duds. I put a little bit of gray Spanish moss on top, then got out one of my handy-dandy white mini pumpkins.

Ahhh, so much better.  I still need to do a little moss pruning though!

Two down, four to go.....The hardest part in remaking the cute mini urns was pulling those faux rocks and cactus out.  They were in there to stay!!

My plan is to use these at the rehearsal dinner for Fielding, (which is three weeks from tomorrow!!)

In the meantime, they look pretty darn cute decorating my house.

I'm thinking Christmas time...and some silver balls on top. 
Valentines day...and a couple of red glittery hearts.
Spring...and a nest.....

Oh the possibilities these cute mini urns have once we got rid of that cactus!!

And, since it was after midnight when I transformed my pumpkins, this is what my 'helpers' looked like.  They were sound asleep on the floor beside me!


  1. Your urns are precious!! I love the mini pumpkins and you're right they are much, much better than the cactus;0) It'll be fun to see what you do with them in December! Thanks for sharing.

  2. The urns look so much better now that you got your hands on them.


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