
Simple Words to Live By................................

Can you spot the 'tree' frog?
When summer gathers up her robes of glory,
And, like a dream, glides away.

~ Sarah Helen Whitman

As we say goodbye to summer and all its great memories, we welcome the beautiful colors and feel of fall.  Join me at Tracey's for other thoughts for the week. 


  1. And I'm clutching summer's robes with both hands begging her not to leave just yet.

    Wonder what that little frog is thinking about his colorful "tree"!

  2. For me - it's goodbye and good riddance to summer and the sweltering heat. I love fall, winter and spring but then I'm in Texas and we don't have those frigid winters. I love your quote at the very top, also. :) Nancy

  3. Nice image. I can just see her swishing out the door and pretty Autumn waiting outside.

  4. Love the pictures. It says alot!! I love summer but the fall colors are so breathtaking!!

  5. I adore the quote but as someone who lives in Phoenix I say "Bring on Fall!"


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