
I Have the Fever.....FOOTBALL FEVER


Football season has arrived. The only reason I agree to give up my summer (like I have a choice) is because FALL ushers (or to use football lingo) rushes in FOOTBALL SEASON.
The best of both worlds...barefoot AND a football field. This was me on the 50 yard line at Ole Miss.
 I am one of those girls that puts the FAN in Fanatical...or FAN in Fantastic...or FAN in Fantabulous Football!!  My husband and I can actually "talk" football. I know players, teams, positions, plays, coaches, conferences and  football language.
I even spent one day of my beach vacation taking a mini-tour of several SEC football fields just because I thought it sounded like great fun!!

 Lucky for me I had all those boys that loved to play football throughout high school and even some in college. One of my daughter's was a high school and college cheerleader as well. 
I even got to "meet" Bear Bryant this summer.  And yes, I bought some houndstooth goods while I was in Tuscaloosa.

 I know I am lucky that all my children are football-crazy as well, although looking back I don't know if we gave them much of a choice!  I attribute my love of football to my dad. Some of my earliest memories are of my mom making popcorn on Friday nights, putting it in a brown paper grocery sack, and my dad and I going to our hometown football games.  He did not let me run around like the other kids. He sat me down beside him and we "talked" football.  That is how I learned about football.  Then on Saturday's my family would go to the SOONER games, and "talk" more football.  That was our tradition for years.

Saturday's at our house are all about football.  If we can't go to the game of choice on Saturday's then we have a Football Feast as we watch on TV.

Yep, I've got the Football Fever!  And the only known cure is to spend a lot of time AT games or WATCHING games. ...And I couldn't be happier.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9/05/2010

    YUM! The goodies at your football feast look delicious! Ever think about having a recipe tab where you could post the how-to's?
    If you ever do, be sure to label one section, "GOODIES". I'd love to visit that!


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