
Till The Cows Come Home

As I frantically tried to finish up the last week of school, I knew I did not have time to put together a big tablescape.

I got these four cute little
cow bowls
for Mother's Day.
Something you may not know about me...
I love cows.

Since the cow bowls were slightly different,
I thought I would make
each place setting
slightly different.

I kept the placemat, the charger and the dinner plate the same each time.

 I changed the salad plate, the cow bowl, the vintage linen napkin and the drinking glass.

What a fun difference it made by keeping the base of
the tablescape,
but changing the tops.

I don't think I have
a favorite.
I like them all.

Oh the cow bowls! Aren't they wonderful?

I love the metal chargers with the
scalloped edges.
in reality
they are not chargers at all.

They are actually plate holders,
that frame plates
when hung on the wall.
They made perfect chargers tho.
Isn't it great to think outside the box?

         Such as using Ball canning jars for drinking glasses.
             Although that certainly wasn't my novel idea.
           Both of the glasses matched the vintage theme.

I used my wooden cows I got in Europe.
They are hand-carved and very primitive.
And wonderful.
I also used two different
pictures for the centerpiece.
Who said pictures were just for the wall?

What is the purpose of a tablescape with four
different place setting?
Two possible centerpieces?
Two different glasses?

To show that it is ok to change things up.
It is ok to think outside the box.
It is ok to be different.

It all started because of the subtle
in four little cow bowls.

How long will I love these?

Till the cows come home!

I am linking with Donna at Funky Junk Interiors.  Go by and check out all the wonderful, clever,
colorful, vintage, formal, fun, and intriguing tablescapes and everything else imaginable!

Placemats--The Dollar Tree
Big Dinner Plates--Target (long ago)
Chargers/Plate Hangers-Nell Hills/Atchison KS
Salad Plates--Target, Wal-Mart, Vintage
Cow bowls--TJ Maxx
Tin Cow Sign--Nell Hills
Old Cow Painting--Vintage


  1. I love this tablescape. I think those "chargers" are to die for! I would love to find some. Now I'm going to be looking at every plate hanger to see if I can use them as chargers.

    Your cow bowls are just darling. Great job!


  2. It's so refreshing to see a different tablescape. I love your cows...the individual plates are adorable and i love how you made each place setting different but they all match....Great job!!

  3. Love the cow bowls and what a great setup! I don't think I've ever been close to Hiawatha. Anything fun to do up that way?

  4. What wonderful cow bowls! I have a cow on my table this week as well.

  5. Those cow dishes are quite something...very unusual and they mooooved me! I am glad you showed what was under the plates...I was curious. Very fun and inventive table. Joni

  6. Anonymous5/19/2010

    Hi! What a cute table setting! I love your cow bowls too! I've never seen anything like these before! Love it that you used different plates for each place.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. I love your cow bowls! All of your cow connections made this a VERY cute tablescape. I love mixing up the dishes - perhaps because I am really bad at buying bits and pieces of sets. :)
    Wishing you well as you close out your school year! I remember how busy May always is!

  8. Love the new header. Great pic of your kids and your bff. (I think she's everyone's bff!)

    Why don't you use one of your blogs to tell us how you make it?

  9. Anonymous5/19/2010

    Why don't you answer the comments people put up here? I understand why bloggers who get hundreds of comments a day don't answer, but I feel a little ignored when a person who isn't drowning in comments doesn't answer.
    I hope I'm not being rude, but is there a reason?
    Just asking.
    BTW: I really enjoy reading you. Hope you have more time for it while school's out.

    Anonymous (Susan)

  10. Anonymous5/19/2010

    Very cute tablescape. I love the different settings. The cows are fun. Great idea using plate hanger for chargers. Even though I live in California I to Atchinson KS to the Nell Hill's store. It was a fun time. Great Post.

  11. The little cow dishes are adorable. Can't wait to see if any TJMaxx around here has any left! I like that you used all different plates for your tablesetting, cute table.

  12. These "COW" bowls are soooo stinkin cute...I have not seen them before...thanks for sharing them with all of us!


  13. My father raised white faced Herefords when I was little, and I love cows! Those bowls are SOOOO cute! Love how you mixed it up and got so many looks with changing an element or two. Great job!

    Happy Tablescape Thursday...


    Sheila :-)

  14. Your table is absolutely stunning! I love the cows! They are the real "non plus ultra" of your decoration.
    Greetings from Europe!

  15. You did such a wonderful job mixing everything up but tying it all together with your cow plates. What a great idea for the chargers!

  16. I like your out-of-the-box thinking! I'm afraid I'm generally IN the box, so I love to get new ideas from people as creative as you are. What a great idea to mix up the placesettings as you did! I know you were thrilled to add the cow bowls to your collection!

  17. Anonymous5/20/2010

    I love your tablescapes. I do good just to get napkins on the table...LOL! You like cows huh?? Good to know!!


  18. TOTALLY love this tablescape! The cows are great and those *chargers* are perfect (gonna have to find me some). I am famous for using *fruit jars* for drinking glasses! A very fun and fantastic table :)


  19. Love those cow plates!!! You made a wonderful tablescape!!!

  20. I like your Big Cow Story and the darling cow bowls. I would sit at the place setting with the yellow plate. You have given us so many choices and great ideas for future table settings. You probably love the advertising of the cows from Chic-fil-a as much as I do.

  21. I'm a nut for cows. Love your table!

  22. What a moooo-ving post! I totally agree it is great to mix things up and you've done a terrific job! Your new cow bowls are so unique and I love the shape of them. They look great on all the different salad plates. Your carved cows add to the wonderful theme!


  23. We love cows, too {real and decor related.} Love your cow bowls. I have not seen anything like them before.

  24. Don't you love TJ Maxx? Cute cow dishes!

  25. I have some of those plate holders that I have never hung on the wall. What a brilliant idea to use them as chargers. It's so funny because last night I took them out of the cabinet and thought to myself that I really need to use them somewhere and then I come here and you have truly thought outside the box and I am loving this idea. Thanks and oh BTW, LOVE those cow plates. Where can I find some like them? Inquiring minds want to know.

    Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook

  26. What fun bowls.. and with cows! Love the chargers/plate holders. Very creative. Very cute.

  27. What cute cow bowls. I really like the charger/hanger things. It's fun to find new uses for something you already have, isn't it?

  28. Love your cow dishes but sorry to say I am afraid of them as I was chased by one and I ran into the barbed wire fence. I was visiting a farm but I still like to decorate with them.lol

  29. Anonymous5/16/2011

    Fun, fun, fun, and I like the plate holders turned charger.


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