
Oh my, Cookie!

I saw this idea on a blog and just had to try it. I cannot remember what blog I saw it on. I was not on my own computer and I just knew I would remember the site. Well you know how that goes...But here is the idea.

Oh coolest cookie pan ever, where have you been all my life?                      
        I found this cookie pan at Hobby Lobby. The little slots are for sucker sticks so that you can make cookie-suckers.  I chose to use the pan without the sucker sticks. 
                     The pan makes nice big cookies.

One chocolate chip cookie recipe made 28 large cookies. (Uhmmmm some did not make it to the picture taking!)

The pan appears to be very shallow, but it is actually just thick enough to make great big cookies.

I only wish I had bought two pans, so I
could get the cookies done in

I put a big mound of cookie dough
into each circle,
then pressed it out by hand.
After I got the dough pressed out
I then put
M&M's on top
of the dough.

                        The cookies are big and huge.

This one is an actual cookie pan, but you can do the same giant-cookie idea with a muffin-top pan as well.

Be sure and keep an eye on the cookies once you put them in the oven. They bake up very quickly. They also slide out very quickly because the pan is so good.
Then you had better keep an eye on the cookies...because they taste so good!
I have linked to Foodie Friday. Take your appetite and check it out. 


  1. I'm going to have to find one of those pans! When my son was little M&M cookies on a stick used to be his favourite treat from a bakery in our local shopping mall. I'm sure they are much, much nicer homemade! Thanks for sharing the recipe and those cute pans!

  2. There are so many neat pans out there, don't you think? I love your cookies!



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