
Rainbows and Leprechauns

May flowers always line your path and sunshine light your day.
May songbirds serenade you every step along the way. 
May a rainbow run beside you in a sky that's always blue. 
 And may happiness fill your heart each day your whole life through.”

 I know that everyone has seen the rainbow cake throughout blogland. I loved it as soon as I saw it.  I decided several months ago to make it for St. Patty's Day.  We all know that the Irish have their pots of gold at the end of the rainbow, right?  So what better day to make a rainbow cake.

It was both easy.....And hard! 
It was easy because basically just using a cake mix (or two or three!!). It was hard because it was time consuming!  I used two white cake mixes (and included the whole egg, not just the whites).  I then divided it into SIX bowls. (Remember ROY G. BIV from science class?  Well I left out I (indigo)).  

  There.  ROY G. BIV. 
(For those of you that never heard that mnemonic device, Roy G. Biv stands for the colors of the rainbow. 
Red. Orange. Yellow. Green. Blue. Indigo. Violet.   (Don't forget, I left out Indigo.)

I used two cake mixes, divided that between six bowls (1 1/2 cups each, so that you don't have to do the math), and used gel food coloring. (I used  the non-taste red gel). 

                                          G. BV 

 Then I started stacking putting the violet on bottom and the red on top. I  made buttercream frosting that I put between layers and on the top and sides.

                                                            Be prepared.
                                                        It is a very big cake!
                                                Slather that buttercream on! 

 I added shamrocks and a leprechaun to the top.  After all, the leprechaun does guard the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, so we HAD to have a leprechaun.  I wanted the gold coin candies to put on top, but could not find them. It's a good idea tho!

 The shamrocks by the way, had long spikes on them.  Perfect for poking into a 7 inch cake!
I bought the shamrocks and the leprechaun at Hobby Lobby at 60% off the day before St. Pat's.
 This is why the time and trouble was SO worth it!
Isn't that great looking?
And there is the first slice.  Lots of oohs and aahs at this point from the adults.  The kids were clapping and squealing.  They had no idea what was on the inside of the cake.  They thought it was just great because of the massive size.  Once they saw the inside they were completely smitten!

Now let me tell you my theory on why the bottom layers appear a little uhhhhhmmmmm squished!  You see, after I made the cake, slathered on the icing, decorated it and took pictures, I then had to transport the 7 inch cake (that was on the cake pedestal), 50 (FIFTY!!!) miles.  Wait. That is not all. ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I could not think of anything to set it in that it would not wobble or topple.  SOOOOOO, I held the cake (and cake pedestal) with my right hand, as I drove with my left hand for 50+ miles.  Oh my gosh.  My arm was numb by the end of that ride.  I think the wobbling that it had to endure for the (marathon) trip weighed (literally) on the bottom layers.  I plan on making the cake again, but leaving it at home, and I will see if there is a difference.

But, it was terrific tasting and great to look at, so the bottom squished layer was OK. 
I had fun making this, and was helped a little by my youngest son.  (He mixed the gel into the batter.)

I have linked this to Foodie Friday with Michael.  Go by and check out all the great food ideas.
Be sure and check back with me again, as I show you another rainbow cooking idea I made as well.  Hope everyone had a great St. Patrick's Day!


  1. Anonymous3/19/2010

    OMG Lori what a fun cake. This is the first one I've ever seen and it is absolutely the prettiest cake I have ever ever seen! You did save me a piece...right?

    Are you enjoying your break? I know, I know dumb question.


  2. That is too cute! My gkids would love it.
    Did you stick skewers in it for travel? I always have to transport the cakes, and it helps, Easy to remove and just smooth out the icing.

  3. Oh my gosh, I gasped out loud when I read that you held this AND drove! Amazing! I'm glad you're okay!

    As for the cake, I for one had never seen it before and it's AMAZING! I wish I had known about this, I would have made it this week!

  4. What a cool cake! I can't believe you drove 50 miles with it!

  5. I'm stopping in from Foodie Fri. I have not seen this cake before - it's amazing. I'm glad you shared your labor!

  6. Way to go for transporting that gorgeous cake 50 miles alone! You deserve an award for that! :) I so want to try this cake now! It looks really amazing.

  7. Oh. I love this!! How fantastic! My wedding cake was made by my best friends mother and it came 160 miles. It had to be a bit patched up when it got here. Luckily my best friend and her Mom were pros. That is the coolest cake ever!
    Win Rachael Ray bake ware at my blog.

  8. This is a delightful big story and an equally delightful cake! I enjoyed this SO much! Have a great weekend!


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