
Looking through Irish Eyes

A couple of years ago my mother took my two daughters and my niece for a 10 day trip to Ireland and England.  The trip was in celebration of the girls' college graduations.  My cousin also went along to accompany my mother.  (In what will have to be a post or two or three by themselves, my mother had a surgery-gone-wrong ten years ago and has been handicapped since.  Because of that it is very hard for her to get around. Because of that, the trip was even more special, as it was remarkable my mom could make the trip.)

My mother's relatives are named Flanagan and O'Connor.  She is a very, very proud Irish woman.  She has passed that love of the Emerald Isle onto her own children and granchildren.

  Although I took these pictures from my niece and daughter's Facebook pages, I hope you are able to see the beauty of Ireland. 

I apologize for the fuzziness of the pictures. The real pictures are absolutely beautiful.
I am going to ask the girls 
for copies.
But you have to admit even with the not-so-good-pirated-saved-from-Facebook-pics
you can see the beauty in Ireland.


  1. Anonymous3/16/2010

    I have to tell you that I am not one who yearns to travel out of the states BUT Ireland is one place I have always wanted to see. My family heritage is Scottish but for some reason I would love to go to Ireland one day. Beautiful photos.


  2. It looks like you had a wonderful trip. What a great memory! Thanks so much for you comment on my Blog Crawl! Enjoy your break..hope you have good weather!


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