
Simple LOVE

The older I get the more I learn to LOVE the simple things in life.......

Like.... Watching reruns of The Andy Griffith Show
Doris Day movies

Southern cooking
Sweet tea ...anytime
Hot chocolate on a winter day

Ferns on a big front porch
Galvanized buckets
An outdoor swing

Grilled meat
Grilled chicken
Grilled seafood

Fresh summer vegetables

Sugar cookies with almond flavoring

A good book, no matter how many times I"ve read it!
Written letters...the old-fashioned kind...with an envelope and a stamp!

Long-haired poets--and their poetry
Short-haired politics---and their policies!

Old wood type blocks
Underwood typewriters

Letters my grandparents wrote to each other
Black and white photographs

Hiking the farm ....any season
Christmas tree hunting

Driving around looking at Christmas lights
The aisles of the grocery store when holiday baking season begins!

Spring Break

The smell of rain
The smell of freshly cut grass

Candles on the deck...
Blankets on the deck when it is nippy

Burning leaves
Suntan lotion

Happy dogs
Fluffy cats

And without even meaning to....when I reread the list I realized the simple things I love are also those that cost the least! That makes me love them even more...

more LOVE continued tomorrow..........

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