

Things I love................................

My husband, Tim
My children, Fielding, Annie, Taylor, Coulter and Luke
My parents, sister, brother, nieces, nephews,
My sisters and brothers in law
My extended family
My in-law family

My country
My freedom

My state
My home
My friends

My dogs
My cat

Great literature
Being able to write what I think and feel
Getting to try each day to convince a hundred teenagers that reading and writing is wonderful!

The memories of my grandparents
The memories of friends

That I had a wonderful childhood
That my children were raised in a very special little town

That I was able to go to almost every event all my children were ever in
That my children make me proud and grateful to be their mother

That my husband and I enjoy each others company
That I am able to be very independent

Hearing songs that make me think of certain times in my life
Smelling smells that remind me of people or places


Reading every evening

Waking up to a new day.

to be continued .......................

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