
Window Peeping

 Clear back in September, I had traveled back to Hiawatha, Kansas, for the wedding of some friends. We only get back to Kansas (it is over 360 miles from where we now live)twice a year...at the most. Literally, on our drive back home after being there for two days, I saw on Facebook where one of my former students (now grown) was getting rid of all the old wooden windows from his house. 
He and his wife had bought one of the beautiful old homes in town, and they had updated all the old windows. His wife, bless her, knew better than to just dump all the windows and put a call out on FB for someone to come and get them. And there I was, headed AWAY from where those windows were! Just my luck. 

 But luck actually was on my side. Another friend lived just two doors away from my former student and I sent him up to his neighbor to retrieve a window. I told him exactly which window type I wanted (they had posted several kinds on FB). I specifically  wanted one that was 8 big panes, white on one side and brown on the other. I have such good friends. They gave me the exact window I wanted and my other friend stored it in his garage until Christmas when one of my sons went to Kansas for a visit and brought it back. 
 This window is huge and heavy. I plan to use it with the white facing out at times and of course change it around some and have the brown side facing out sometimes. For the time being, I have it propped on a chest in the living room, layered with an antique framed map. 
 When I originally staked claim to a window, I imagined it replacing the gold frame over the mantel on the gianormous mirror. But the window is so tall, that it actually extended about 3/4 of a pane beyond the giant mirror. So when looking at the mirror and window, it looked kind of weird when the mirror suddenly stopped at the top. Too bad it didn't work out though, because the mirror was creating a great reflection on the brown side of the window. Who knows, I might try it again sometime. 
 In the meantime, I love where it is and how it looks. I had the 1930's map framed about six years ago. Then about three years ago I hung the PEACE banner on it for Christmas. I started to take down the banner after Christmas that year, then decided that I liked it up there. After all, we truly do need PEACE all the time, not just Christmas. 
The window represents what I love about my home. It makes me think of that sweet student (now grown) that was one of my all-time favorites. It makes me think of his wise wife that knew the windows didn't belong in the landfill. It makes me think of one of my other favorite friends that walked up and got the window for me and stored it for four months. It makes me think of our wonderful years in Kansas. It makes me think of my son who hauled it all the way back for me and another son who moved it around for me every time I was trying it somewhere new. You can't get those memories from department store merchandise. ....Now I just need to get the giant wardrobe back down to Oklahoma that I bought (online) at a Hiawatha auction...in October!! (Yep, you guessed it...another friend is storing that for me!) 
Linked to:
Metamorphosis Monday
The Scoop
Wow Us Wednesday


  1. :) I knew someone who taught school briefly in Hiawatha! (Lonnie & Carol Kruse)... I was born in Hutchinson & spent a little time in Norton and Sterling. I ♥ and miss Kansas :).

    Your window is WONderful - and doubly cool because of its origins...

  2. I adore your window, dear one!
    I have a similar one hanging above the Entertainment Center
    that is from my husband's, "Mr. Ed"'s, childhood farm.
    We are Kansas people...loved all your positive references to our State!
    Precious memories surround this frame. . .a "picture" of living life to its fullest!
    Visiting from Susan's MM!

  3. gorgeous, so beautifully arranged!! Pinned for sure. Christine from Little Brags

  4. I love it, such a pretty vignette too. I host a weekly party called Inspire Me and it goes live every Monday afternoon. I would love for you to link your wonderful projects up. www.astrollthrulife.net. Hope to see you there. Hugs, Marty

  5. That is just awesome! Your treasures surround it are just wonderful! Glad I found your blog! I'll be back!

  6. I love this vignette and I love the story!

  7. Hi, hopped over from Wow. Love that beautiful map! What a clever idea! Happy to be a new follower. I have a link party, Share Your Cup Thursday. It's about sharing the things that make you happy. I'd love if you shared some time!

  8. I love the way you've layered that vignette. The window is wonderful and so is the world peace art.

    It's so neat that you got the window from a former student. :)

  9. Hello there, I just put together a collage with super awesome inspiration on how to decorate with old windows on my blog Little Brags . I used a picture of yours with the source link back to you. Please come visit and if you do not want me to use your picture for any reason , please let me know and I will remove it asap. Thanks a bunch. Christine http://littlebrags.blogspot.com/2015/03/decorating-with-old-windows.html


  10. خدماتنا متميزة عن غيرنا في مجال التسريبات سربات المياه والعوزال وحل بطرق سليمة دون التدمير فعندنا في شركة ركن البيت افضل يوجد افضل الفنين الممتزين في مجال التسربات والكشف عنها بدون اي مشاكل من خلال الطاقم التي تم تدريبه في شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالدمام فتعاملك معنا ستحصل علي خدمات متميزة

    شركة كشف تسربات المياه بجدة
    شركة كشف تسربات بجدة
    شركة عزل خزانات بالرياض
    شركة عزل اسطح بالرياض

    شركة كشف تسربات بالدمام
    شركة كشف تسربات بالرياض
    شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالرياض
    كشف تسربات المياه

  11. افضل ستايل رجالى
    عادة ما يركز الرجال على التدريبات الخاصة بهم وينسون الانتباه إلى خزانة ملابسهم. هذا هو المكان الذي يتخلفون فيه. يحصلون على الجسد ولكنهم ينسون نقل شخصيتهم بشكل صحيح. دعونا نلقي نظرة على العديد من الأشياء الضرورية لخزانة ملابس الرجال:

    افضل ستايل رجالى

    1. السترات

    آخر ما وصل إلى متاجر أزياء الرجال هو السترات الواقية من الرصاص. هذه هي الإصدارات الأكثر برودة من المعاطف. هذه مصنوعة من الجلد ولها أنماط كلاسيكية. يمكن أن تكون هذه على مدار الساعة - سواء في العمل أو مع الأصدقاء. إلى جانب كونها مريحة ، فإنها تعطي شخصية أنيقة للشخص. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، فهي خفيفة الوزن جدًا ويمكن ارتداؤها بسهولة شديدة في أي وقت.

    2. ممزق الدينيم

    الجينز الممزق هو الأحدث في الأناقة. تضيف القصات النحيفة وبعض التفاصيل المتعبة مظهرًا رائعًا إلى الزي. أصبح هذا النمط الرجالي المعروف أيضًا باسم أسلوب المرآب شائعًا للغاية ويصور موقفًا خالٍ من الرعاية. لإطلالة غير رسمية ، يمكن إقرانها بقمصان منقوشة وأحذية رياضية.

    3. القمصان المطبوعة

    كانت هذه واحدة من المفاجآت. يفضل معظم الرجال القمصان العادية أو القمصان ذات التصاميم الكلاسيكية. لكن القمصان المطبوعة لها أيضًا بعض المعجبين حول العالم. تم نشر المطبوعات الزهرية والعرقية من خلال مدارج الموضة. أصبح اتجاه تي شيرت الجيب المتباين مشهورًا جدًا.

    اكسسوارات رجالى وساعات

    4. الجينز الأبيض

    هذه تبدو جيدة بشكل خاص على الرجال الذين كانوا يمارسون الرياضة كثيرًا مؤخرًا. هذه تمنحهم فرصة مثالية للتباهي بجسمهم المتناغم. تبدو رائعة مع تي شيرت برقبة على شكل V وحذاء قارب.


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