
Chalking It Up...to a good time!

 You can "chalk this up" to another post of "latergrams". (Did you see where I explained that here?) But it was too cute not to post. 
 My nephew got married right before Thanksgiving. The ladies of our home town church threw a shower for him before the big day. There was all kinds of good food and lots of cute decorations. Since I did not ask the ladies if I could post their pictures, I have tried to not show their faces. I've tried to make the focus on the cute decorations and ideas the ladies carried out for the shower. The invitations looked like a chalkboard and then this folding chalkboard greeted us at the door to the church. 
 Then at every food station there were small chalkboards to tell the guests what was being served. Each chalkboard had a bejeweled burlap bow. 
 Several kinds of tea were served, with each being marked appropriately. 
 If you were a coffee drinker, there was a great coffee bar as well. 
 There was a huge abundance of food. It was easy to find something great to eat. 
 Instead of the customary shower cake, the ladies had a cheesecake bar. They served a plain cheesecake and there were many, many toppings to choose from. It was delicious! As the cheesecake emptied  on the cake platter, the ladies would replace it with a fresh cake. They had everything planned out. 

 Speaking of cheesecakes, what about this cheesecake?  It was a Mexican Cheesecake that was wonderful. Just the right amount of spicy. Come back tomorrow and I will share the recipe. This cheesecake was huge and fed a large crowd. It would be perfect for Super Bowl Sunday. 
 All the round tables (where the guests ate) were covered with a white table cloth and then topped with burlap. Each table held another chalkboard with verses from the Bible about love. Beside each chalkboard was also a jar (vase) with a single flower and a burlap and jewel wrap. 

The shower was full of great ideas that could be used in many types of entertaining. The best part is that the chalkboards and flowers can either be given out as favors, or saved and used again for another party. That's my kind of decorating! 
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  1. So many GREAT ideas! (And like you said, they could be used again/adapted for various themes, etc.) I MUST "file" the link to this post SOMEwhere.

  2. وايضاًً توفر المؤسسة اجدد الأوناش الخاصة لنقل ورفع العفش بأسهل ما يمكن وبأسرع وقت دون سقوط أي خسائر أو تلفيات، وكل تلك الموضوعات تحدث بواسطة مجموعة العمل المخصص بالمؤسسة وهم فنيين متخصصين في نقل العفش بصورة امنه والحفاظ علي جميع قطع العفش والعفش.
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